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News Contents

2024 Červenec

How Cord Blood Banks Protect their Storage Tanks
Prof. Dr. Vasiliki E. Kalodimou & Frances Verter, PhD

2024 Červen

2024 Květen

2024 Duben

The Quest to Diagnose Autism With Biomarkers
Frances Verter, PhD & Felician Stăncioiu, MD

2024 Březen

2024 Únor

2024 Leden

Bioprinting MSC in Outer Space (NASA image of ISS)
Jonathan Carson, PhD & Frances Verter, PhD

2023 Prosinec

2023 Listopad

Cord Blood Utilization is Booming in China
Frances Verter, PhD, Jamie Woon, MBA, Lucy Lai, MS MBA

Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Cord Blood for Cerebral Palsy
Меган Финч-Эдмондсон, доктор философии, от имени исследовательской группы.

Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Cord Blood for Cerebral Palsy
Megan Finch-Edmondson, PhD, on behalf of the study team

2023 Říjen

2023 Září

COVID-19 Lessons Learned for Biobanks
Frances Verter, PhD, Pedro Silva Couto, PhD & Guido Moll, PhD

COVID-19 Lessons Learned for Biobanks
Frances Verter, PhD, Pedro Silva Couto, PhD & Guido Moll, PhD

2023 Srpen

2023 Červenec

Global Cord Blood Corporation
Frances Verter & Didier Nouzies

2023 Červen

Peleg’s Story of Cell Therapy for Autism
interview with Peleg's mother Orly, April/May 2023

2023 Květen

2023 Duben

2023 Březen

2023 Únor

Biogenis Cord Blood Banking and Autism Therapy in Romania
Bogdan Bulumac, MD, MBA, Felician Stăncioiu, MD, Cristina Mihăilă

2023 Leden

2022 Prosinec

Can You Sell Your Baby’s Placenta?
Terri Tibbot & Gia Frazier

2022 Listopad

2022 Říjen

2022 Září

2022 Srpen

2022 Červenec

2022 Červen

2022 Květen

2022 Duben

2022 Březen

Cord Blood as a Cure for HIV
Frances Verter, PhD

2022 Únor

2022 Leden

Parent's Guide Cord Blood Interview with Royan
Frances Verter PhD & Royan Stem Cell Technology

2021 Prosinec

Vladomir’s Story: Vision Restored by Umbilical Cord Tissue MSC
Taras Petriv, MD PhD (QR-Health Solutions) & Frances Verter PhD

Cryopreserved Amniotic Membrane in the Treatment of Keratitis
Institute of Cell Therapy & Filatov Institute, Ukraine

2021 Listopad

2021 Říjen

Cord Blood Banking Affordability in the USA
Frances Verter, PhD & Pedro Silva Couto, MSc

2021 Září

2021 Srpen

Eating Your Placenta (as tacos). Image Credit: Getty
Frances Verter, PhD & Liat Ben Senior, MBA MSc

2021 Červenec

2021 Červen

Blood Circulation: Fetus versus Newborn
Michelle McDougle, MS, CGC & Frances Verter, PhD

2021 Květen

2021 Duben

Reddit user sarahjewel posted her CAR-T
Frances Verter, PhD

2021 Březen

2021 Únor

2021 Leden

2020 Prosinec

2020 Listopad

2020 Říjen

The Placenta is Small but Mighty
Liat Ben-Senior, MBA MSc

2020 Září

heat map of automatic newborn screening in the United States
Heather Brown, MS, and Frances Verter, PhD

2020 Srpen

2020 Červenec

2020 Červen

Shanaya Agarwal family
LifeCell International, India

2020 Květen

2020 Duben

Coronavirus During Pregnancy and Cord Blood Banking
Parent's Guide Cord Blood Foundation

2020 Březen

Patenting Cord Blood therapy for Cerebral Palsy or Autism
Parent's Guide Cord Blood Foundation

2020 Únor

"Tree of Life. Placenta", a painting by Ekaterina Abramova
Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation

2020 Leden

2019 Prosinec

Gizelle, adult survivor of childhood stem cell transplant

Ilya - first CorD heart surgery patient
HEMAFUND & Svitlana Shevchenko

2019 Listopad

DID YOU KNOW? The Placenta is an Organ.
Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation

2019 Říjen

The Restoration of CryoSave
Parent's Guide Cord Blood Foundation

2019 Září

Olga Maslova, PhD, Kyrylo Chasovskiy, PhD, and Frances Verter, PhD

Ольга Маслова, КМН, Кирилл Часовский, КМН и Френсис Вертер, КМН

2019 Srpen

technology and ethics of PGT-HLA savior siblings
Liat Ben-Senior, MBA MSc

2019 Červenec

Community Banking Supports Public Banking Without Brankrupting
Frances Verter PhD, CEO of Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, USA, & Vinesh Arvind Mandot, Head of Learning and Development at LifeCell International, India

2019 Červen

Perinatal Stem Cell Society - new membership benefits
Kyle Cetrulo, Perinatal Stem Cell Society

Pall 5 chamber cord blood storage bag
Ayanna Bryan, PhD, Americord Registry

2019 Květen

Levi - A CBR Cord Blood Banking Story | Autism
CBR Family Story - by Levi’s parents, Lovie & Serge

Dr. Frances Verter & Dr. Neil Riordan, Perinatal Stem Cell Society meeting, 1 March 2019
Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation interview with Dr. Neil Riordan

2019 Duben

Ashton - A ViaCord Cord Blood Banking Story | Cerebral Palsy
A ViaCord Family Story - by Ashton’s parents, Alisa & Mayo

2019 Březen

Nerea, cerebral palsy patient treated with cord blood stored at IVIDA Banco de Cordón
IVIDA Banco de Cordón

Nerea, cerebral palsy patient treated with cord blood stored at IVIDA Banco de Cordón
IVIDA Banco de Cordón

Nerea, cerebral palsy patient treated with cord blood stored at IVIDA Banco de Cordón
IVIDA Banco de Cordón

Nerea, cerebral palsy patient treated with cord blood stored at IVIDA Banco de Cordón
IVIDA Banco de Cordón

What is your Placenta Worth? (photo from The Experienced Mama)
Russ Schweizer, CEO of AmnioChor

2019 Únor

Zhao Jiaxin after recovering from VEO-IBS
Thanks to Zhai Xiao-Wen, MD PhD, Professor of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University

Zhao Jiaxin after recovering from VEO-IBS
Спасибо Чжай Сяо-Вэнь, доктору медицины и философии, профессору Детской Гематологии и Онкологии в детской больнице Фуданского Университета

2019 Leden

cord blood patient Asia with her parents
by the parents of Asia

cord blood patient Asia with her parents

James L. Sherley, MD PhD, Founder and Director of Asymmetrex
James L. Sherley, MD PhD, Asymmetrex

2018 Prosinec

2018 Listopad

image of Cell Culture Media from science-medical.com
Pedro Silva Couto, MSc, UCL Biochemical Engineering & Parent’s Guide Cord Blood Foundation

2018 Říjen

Viviana Torres y Matías Romo
Viviana Torres, Mother of Matías Romo

Viviana Torres y Matías Romo
Viviana Torres, Madre de Matías Romo

microcarrier image from Shi et al. 2009; Macromolecular Bioscience 9(12):1211-1218
Pedro Silva Couto, MSc, UCL Biochemical Engineering & Parent’s Guide Cord Blood Foundation

2018 Září

Growing MSC in Bioreactors
Pedro Silva Couto, MSc, UCL Biochemical Engineering & Parent’s Guide Cord Blood Foundation

2018 Srpen

Nikoloz testimonial autism therapy with cord blood
Gocha Shatirishvili, 医学博士,哲学博士

2018 Červenec

2018 Červen

Ornella Parolini, PhD
Antonietta R. Silini, PhD, and Ornella Parolini, PhD

2018 Květen

Hamad Emirati boy cured of sickle cell disease by cord blood
CellSave Arabia

Leading sponsors of clinical trials with expanded cord blood
Frances Verter PhD, Alexey Bersenev MD PhD, Pedro Silva Couto MSc

2018 Duben

2018 Březen

Smart Stem Plus cobertura internacional de seguro de células madre
Alexandra Romero, JD, Smart Risk Solutions

2018 Únor

Dr Yihua An
Inheritor Cell Technology

PBKM of Poland donated the initial inventory to start Bank of Life in Ukraine
Ekaterina Dzhupina (Джупина Екатерина)

2018 Leden

umbilical cord under lab hood from Beeravolu N. et al. 2017; Jove DOI: 10.3791/55224
Asawari Bapat, MD, Pedro Silva Couto, MS, Frances Verter, PhD

2017 Prosinec

2017 Listopad

Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy
Kara Wacker, MBA, RAC, FACT Director of Operations

2017 Říjen

Recruiting Clinical Trials using Umbilical Cord MSC
Frances Verter PhD, Alexey Bersenev MD PhD, Pedro Silva Couto MSc

2017 Září

amniotic membrane as dressing for corneal perforation
Yvonne Holt, MD, NEXT Biosciences

2017 Srpen

number of trials of current products made from amniotic membrane of the placenta
Pedro Silva Couto, Russ Schweizer, Frances Verter

2017 Červenec

From start to finish, the cord blood collection process typically takes about 5 minutes
Kate Falcon Girard RN MSN, Asimena Rigas Bridges, Jessica Bishop, Morey Kraus

2017 Červen

Ahmad Reza thalassemia patient Royan Iran
Royan Stem Cell Technology

Moinam thalassemia patient Cordlife India
Cordlife India

2017 Květen

embed open cord blood trials search
Frances Verter PhD, Pedro Silva Couto, MSc, Alexey Bersenev, MD PhD, Peter Lozovitsky

2017 Duben

2017 Březen

LifeCell International
Vinesh A. Mandot, Technical Lead at LifeCell

Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation
Iona Novak, PhD MSc (Hons) BAppSc

2017 Únor

J.E. Davies - University of Toronto
J.E. Davies - University of Toronto

2017 Leden

2016 Prosinec

2016 Listopad

2016 Říjen

2016 Září

2016 Srpen

Institute of Cell Therapy Pancreonecrosis Histology
Кебкало А., Лобинцева Г., Шаблий В., Салютин Р., Насадюк К., Мартыненко С. (Институт клеточной терапии)

Institute of Cell Therapy Pancreonecrosis Histology
Kebkalo A., MD, PhD; Lobintseva G., PhD; Shabliy V., PhD; Solyutin R., MD, PhD; Nasadyuk C., MD, PhD; Martynenko S., Master of Law

2016 Červenec

2016 Červen

Icla da Silva Foundation logo
Airam da Silva, MPH, fundador e CEO da Icla da Silva Foundation

Icla da Silva Foundation logo
Airam da Silva, MPH, Founder & CEO of Icla da Silva Foundation

2016 Květen

2016 Duben

Number of patients enrolled in clinical trials per autoimmune diagnosis
Alexey Bersenev, MD PhD, Pedro Silva Couto, MSc, Frances Verter PhD

Operation Save Hepsi
© 2016 Carolyn A. Zsoldos

2016 Březen

2016 Únor

2016 Leden

MOVIE Macopharma & Canadian Blood Services ex-utero collection
Macopharma & Canadian Blood Services

2015 Prosinec

2015 Listopad

preview of percentage banks storing tissue wby world region
Frances Verter, PhD & Pedro Silva Couto, MSc

2015 Říjen

2015 Září

2015 Srpen

2015 Červenec

2015 Červen

2015 Květen

2015 Duben

2015 Březen

AABB-accredited cord blood banks in India
Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB)

2015 Únor

2015 Leden

Mahendra S. Rao, MD PhD

 Cord Blood Association
CBA Board of Directors

2014 Prosinec

2014 Listopad

2014 Říjen

Victoria Angel Registry of Hope participating hospitals
Jane Virro, co-founder Cells for Life & Victoria Angel

2014 Září

2014 Srpen

StemCyte India

2014 Červenec

2014 Červen

Dr. P. Srinivasan & Dr. Saranya Narayan

2014 Květen

Irene Martini, Enea Gino Di Domenico, Roberta Scala, Francesca Caruso, & Herbert Valensise

2014 Duben

James Baumgartner, MD
James Baumgartner, MD & Linda Baumgartner, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT

2014 Březen

Morey Kraus
Morey Kraus, PerkinElmer

2014 Únor

Frances Verter, PhD, Joanne Kurtzberg, MD, Lizette Dunay, & Amnon Pelz

2014 Leden

2013 Prosinec

2013 Listopad

2013 Říjen

Frances Verter, PhD, Roberto Waddington, Alexey Bersenev, MD PhD

Bernard Siegel, founder of Genetics Policy Institute
Bernard Siegel, JD

2013 Září

2013 Srpen

2013 Červenec

Joanne Pang
Joanne Pang Foundation

2013 Červen

Marriam Carol Mulumba

Eyitayo Fakunle, PhD
Eyitayo Fakunle, PhD

2013 Květen

2013 Duben

Canada family cord blood banks April 2013
Frances Verter, PhD

2013 Březen

Erik J. Woods, PhD
Erik J. Woods, PhD, & W. Scott Goebel, MD PhD

Susan K. Stewart

2013 Únor

James T. Willerson, MD
James T. Willerson, MD

2013 Leden

Stem Cell Therapy to Prevent Type 1 Diabetes
Maria Craig MBBS PhD FRACP MMed


2012 Prosinec

2012 Listopad

2012 Říjen

Dra. Ma. del Consuelo Mancias Guerra
Dra. Ma. del Consuelo Mancias Guerra

2012 Září

Dennis Todd, PhD
Dennis Todd, PhD & Frances Verter, PhD

2012 Srpen

Pamela S. Becker, MD PhD
Pamela S. Becker, MD PhD

2012 Červenec

2012 Červen

Julie G. Allickson, PhD, MS, MT (ASCP)
Julie G. Allickson, PhD, MS, MT (ASCP)

2012 Květen

Michael Dempsey, M.D., endocrinologist in Rockville MD
Michael Dempsey, MD

parents of Kacey Rose
Glen & Kristina Mitchell

2012 Duben

2012 Březen