Compare Cord Blood Banks
The blood that remains in the umbilical cord after birth is rich in newborn stem cells, and additional stem cells can be found in the tissue of the umbilical cord and placenta. Once the baby is born, and even if cord clamping is delayed, it is possible to collect these cells and bank them in cryogenic storage. Parents have a choice between donating cord blood to a public bank for free, or paying a private bank to store it for their family.
Shai's Story
Shai was a feisty little girl whose mother used her scientific background to search for the best approach to cure her cancer. Shai narrowly escaped death many times, including a recovery that even her doctors considered a miracle, yet she died at dawn on the day that she would have begun kindergarten. Her mother went on to found this website and charity in her memory. Read more...
Dec 2024 We provide a table summarizing placenta regulations in each of the 50 US states plus the District of Columbia. As of Dec. 2024, the states in... more |