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AABB Banks
For nearly 20 years, ViaCord's mission has been to provide the highest quality stem cell preservation service and care to our patients, families, and their physicians. We believe these words are much more than just a promise. They are the commitment we live by.
Cord Blood Registry
Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) is the world's largest newborn stem cell company. CBR is dedicated to advancing the clinical application of newborn stem cells by partnering with leading research institutions to establish FDA-regulated clinical trials, requiring CBR processed cord blood, for conditions that have no cure today.
Celebration Stem Cell Centre
The Celebration Stem Cell Centre (CSCC), offers both public donation (within Arizona) and private family banking of umbilical cord blood.
Cryo-Cell International, the world's first family cord blood bank, provides premier cord blood stem cell cryopreservation service. In 2018, Cryo-Cell expanded its role in the industry to include public cord blood banking services.
StemCyte is a global cord blood therapeutics company. StemCyte participates in the US network of public cord blood banks operated by Be The Match. In addition, StemCyte operates the National Cord Blood Bank of Taiwan, whose units are also listed with Be The Match.
Americord is the confident choice for parents committed to keeping their families healthy for life. Americord offers the most thoughtfully advanced biobanking options, including cord blood, cord tissue, placental tissue, and exosomes.
Our company was founded on the principles of affordability while still maintaining the highest quality banking.
New England Cord Blood Bank
New England Cord Blood Bank (NECBB), an affiliate of New England Cryogenic Center, is a private, family owned and operated cord blood bank. As pioneers in the industry with over 40 years of experience, NECBB is recognized as a global leader in the cryopreservation of cord blood and umbilical cord tissue serving countries worldwide.
MiracleCord is a family cord blood bank with laboratory facilities that are AABB-accredited for both cord blood and cord tissue banking.
Anja Health
"I created Anja because my brother’s last chance at treatment for cerebral palsy was umbilical cord blood and we couldn’t find a match because we’re mixed race." -Anja Health Founder, Kathryn Cross
Bloodworks Northwest collects cord blood donations directly in Washington state and also receives donations from Hawaii.
Cleveland Cord Blood Center
Abraham J. & Phyllis Katz Cord Blood Foundation d.b.a. Cleveland Cord Blood Center collects cord blood donations with NO advanced registration.
NOT COLLECTING. ClinImmune Labs is an academic-based biotechnology company.
Cord For Life
Cord for Life accepts NATIONAL MAIL-IN DONATIONS. Mothers must register by week 34 of pregnancy.
CryoCyte, the cord blood banking service of Cryopoint biorepository, is one of the most affordable banks.
Family Link
Family Link, based at Norton Children's Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky, only accepts clients within a 4 hour driving distance of metro Louisville.
Gencure: Texas Cord Blood Bank
Texas Cord Blood Bank is a division of the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, and since 2014 is affiliated with GenCure.
HealthBanks USA (was PacifiCord)
HealthBanks Biotech USA, a family cord blood bank in Irvine, CA, uses optimal processing and storage technology for long-term cord blood stem cell cryopreservation.
LifebankUSA and their parent company, Celularity, use donations of both cord blood and placenta to develop therapeutic products that are in clinical trials.
San Diego Cord Blood Bank
The San Diego Cord Blood Bank collect donations in southern California.
Stem Cell Cryobank
Stem Cell Cryobank is affiliated with the South Florida Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant Institute.
Versiti Blood Center of Michigan
Versiti Blood Center of Michigan has a public cord blood bank that was established in 1999.
Vitalant Clinical Services
Vitalant Clinical Services is the merger of cord blood banks Community Blood Services in New Jersey and ITxM in Pennsylvania.