AABB Accredited Cord Blood Banks
Insception Lifebank
Insception Lifebank is the first, largest, and most experienced cord blood bank in Canada.
Cells for Life
Cells for Life is one of the oldest and largest family cord blood banks in Canada, since 1997. Victoria Angel Registry of Hope is a public banking program that is operated by Cells for Life under a charitable foundation since 2005.
CReATe is a family stem cell bank that offers parents the option to bank both cord blood and cord tissue (PeristemTM) stem cells.
Future Health - Canada
Canadian Blood Services Cord Blood Bank
Canadian Blood Services Cord Blood Bank (CBS CBB) is a national, public cord blood bank, that collects donated cord blood from consenting mothers in four cities across Canada: Ottawa, Brampton (Greater Toronto Area), Edmonton, and Vancuover at designated collection hospitals.
Healthcord Cryogenics Corp. is an umbilical cord blood bank providing services throughout Canada and internationally.
OVO biosurance
Ovo biosurance is the only family cord blood bank with a laboratory located in Québec, Canada. They are accredited by AABB and Health Canada to provide storage of stem cells from cord blood plus mesenchymal stem cells (PeristemTM) from umbilical cord tissue.
Progenics Cord Blood Cryobank was founded in 2004 by a team of professionals whose vision was to provide high quality cord blood banking.