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Aug 2024   Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) is gradually replacing targeted genetic testing in medical research, public health programs, and direct to consumer health tests. In this article we explain why WGS is both the most accurate form of screening and can also be the most economical method of screening. Over 7,000 genetic disorders have been identified to date, many of them for rare diseases that are otherwise hard to diagnose. When parents request genomic screening for their child, they can learn about health risks that manifest in childhood, whereas adults can learn about any health risk if they so choose.
Nietfeld et al. 2008 lifetime probability stem cell transplant USA 2001-2003
Aug 2024   A recent NYT article about cord blood banking contained very misleading statements and we have responded with corrections. Topics covered include: the percentage of cord blood units (CBU) that are contaminated, the reasons privately banked CBU are rejected from clinical trials, the odds of using cord blood for a transplant versus for clinical trial, the number of children that have been treated with privately banked cord blood, and more.
How Cord Blood Banks Protect their Storage Tanks
Jul 2024   The purpose of this article is to explain that, under standard operating procedures, cord blood banks normally have multiple overlapping levels of safeguards in effect to protect the samples in their storage tanks.
image courtesy of Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation
Jul 2024   In order to align with an upcoming clinical trial that will give unrelated cord blood to children with cerebral palsy, the Duke EAP is now offering comparable compassionate treatment to those children with cerebral palsy that do not qualify for the trial.
Cord Blood Transplant Survivor Mason Shaffer
Jul 2024   Mason Shaffer received a cord blood transplant when he was still an infant for the rare metabolic condition Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis. He is now living his best life as a teenager. Mason is an honors student in high school and he is very active in sports.
Placenta Decidua diagram credit Obgyn Key
Jun 2024   The edge where the placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus, called the placenta decidua, contains maternal tissues. Recently, researchers in Sweden published a paper claiming that mesenchymal stromal cells from the decidua are the most effective cell therapy for graft versus host disease.  
Macopress Smarter device used to automate PrepaCyte-CB processing
Jun 2024   During 2023 the laboratories of cord blood banks around the world were hit with a double punch: Banks that were using Sepax were forced to change their processing method. Simultaneously, there is a shortage of the hetastarch reagent for manually depleting red cells from cord blood. As banks reconsider alternative methods of cord blood processing, the PrepaCyte®-CB reagent is now available in a semi-automated system.
StemCyte CEO Tong-Young Lee PhD
May 2024   StemCyte's CEO explains why the company is ready for an IPO. In addition to operating a multi-national hybrid cord blood bank, StemCyte is also manufacturing immunotherapies from cord blood and is one of the industry's leaders in running clinical trials with cord blood.
Marketing of Cord Blood Banking in India
May 2024   For generations, Indians have stored a baby's dried umbilical cord in an amulet. The new practice of cryopreserving living perinatal stem cells builds on these old customs. Marketing of family cord blood banking is very personalized in India, where sales representatives visit families in their homes.
Utah passes state law legalizing cell therapy with placenta tissue and cord blood
Apr 2024   Exclusive: How a small group of patient advocates and biotech companies tricked the Utah legislature into passing a law which sets a precedent. Utah is now the first state to legalize therapy with stem cells from placenta tissue and cord blood.