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Family Bank: Hemafund

Family cord blood bank HEMAFUND is one of the largest biotechnological complexes that provides the private preservation of umbilical cord blood, placenta, umbilical cord tissues, autologous pericardium as well as cultivation and preservation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells.
- HEMAFUND is a coordinator of Ukraine-wide program of application of cord blood since 2009.
- HEMAFUND is a member of the international Cord Blood Association since 2017.
- HEMAFUND has won a tender to support the activities of Ukraine’s first and only donor stem cell bank in 2019.
Labs and Locations
HEMAFUND is located in Kyiv at 5, Lesozakhisniy Lane and provides its services throughout Ukraine and Georgia. HEMAFUND has at its disposal its own clinical diagnostic laboratory, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) laboratory, processing laboratories, research laboratory, quarantine and main cryostorage facilities.
Business Experience
Since 2005, the family cord blood bank HEMAFUND provides its clients with services of long-term cryostorage of human cells and tissues. To date, there is about 26 000 samples of biomaterial in the cryostorage that more than 15 000 families from different countries all over the world have entrusted HEMAFUND.
Collection Kit
The biomaterial is taken immediately after the birth of the baby and umbilical cord cutting, without contact with the mother and the newborn. Collected biomaterial is placed in an individual sterile container. Umbilical cord blood is drawn in Ukraine in accordance with the Ministry of Healthcare Order #481 from 10.07.2014.
Transportation container
Container includes sterile system with anticoagulant for cord blood collection, container for umbilical cord and placenta collection, cooling liquid, sterile gloves, bottle with ethanol solution, bottle with iodine solution, as well as all necessary documents.
Shipping Info
A special personalized container for cord blood collection will be delivered to any maternity home in Ukraine, previously selected by the clients of the biobank. Should the need of using stem cells for treatment arise, HEMAFUND guarantees its clients free delivery of their biomaterial to any clinic in Ukraine and the world as well as assumes responsibility for preparation of documents and provision of transport dewar. HEMAFUND also has experience in the export of deposits abroad for use or further cryopreservation in compliance with all requirements for transportation of biological material.
Processing Method
The modern method of biological material processing in HEMAFUND guarantees the possibility to store the maximum number of stem cells with high vital activity. The processing, testing and preservation of cord blood and umbilical cord are carried out according to international standards. The quality of the method was confirmed by the biobanks in Europe, Great Britain and Asia, which accepted cord blood and umbilical cord deposits of HEMAFUND’s clients for further preservation, as well as by medical facilities that used in their practice biomaterial that was processed by HEMAFUND.
Components Stored
After examining and testing client’s cord blood, HEMAFUND informs of the test results. After that, biodeposits are placed for long-term preservation in the main cryostorage facility of the Family Cord Blood Bank HEMAFUND.
Storage Method
Preservation is carried out in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 degrees and does not depend on electricity. A family that owns biodeposit in HEMAFUND receives cord blood deposit passport with biomaterial characteristics and deposit quality certificate.
Licensing & Accreditation
The activities of the Family Cord Blood Bank HEMAFUND are based on four licenses: license for activity of umbilical cord blood bank (AB #611999 from 22.11.2011), medical practice license (AE #638041 from 22.01.2015), donor blood and its components processing license (АГ #570351 from 03.03.2011), as well as transportation of extremely dangerous freights, in particular biological material under refrigeration license (АГ #593708 from 28.12.2011). HEMAFUND achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification in December 2019.
Clinical Experience
If the need to use stem cells arises, clients of the family cord blood bank HEMAFUND will quickly receive medical documentation in Ukrainian and English, all information and recommendations necessary to select the right medical institution, as well as free delivery to any institution in the world. HEMAFUND has supplied umbilical cord blood transfusions for over 400 babies undergoing heart surgery in their CorD program. Another 30 units of client cord blood have been released for other applications.
HEMAFUND insures its liability to clients, as well as the leading biobanks in the world. The amount of annual insurance is up to 3 million UAH. In addition, HEMAFUND guarantees compensation of up to 20 000 USD, in case the client has to be treated with their own cord blood stem cells or umbilical cord stem cells.
Community Service
Alongside private cord blood preservation, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from umbilical cord, placenta and pericardium, since 2009 HEMAFUND has been implementing a charitable project called “Ukraine-wide application of the cord blood program.” This project supports Ukrainian families, medical facilities, and scientists who formulate methods for the use of cord blood for the treatment of various diseases. A joint program between the Children’s Center for Cardiology and Cardiosurgery lead by Prof. Ilya Yemets, MD PhD, and HEMAFUND – CorD, has indeed become a groundbreaking technique. Thanks to this program, over 400 newborns with heart defects have undergone surgery within the first hours after birth and got a chance to live a full life.
The price for umbilical cord blood preservation service in HEMAFUND starts at 430 Euro. This includes processing, testing and cryopreservation of the biological material services, as well as free delivery of the biomaterial to any clinic in the world, storage of the biomaterial in the cryostorage in liquid nitrogen, as well as advisory support for the clients throughout the whole period of the storage of the biological material. Long-term storage discounts are available: see pricing
Additional Services
The family cord blood bank HEMAFUND is constantly working to introduce new technologies into its practice and today it offers a number of additional services - umbilical cord blood genetic analysis, cryostorage of pericardium, and karyotyping of cord blood and umbilical cord cells.