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Family Bank: Cryopoint


CryoCyte is the cord blood banking service of Cryopoint biorepository. CryoCyte is one of the most affordable banks; offering several payment plans with no credit check required. We operate a state-of-the-art facility with 24/7 monitoring, security and backups. We also offer Cord Tissue storage.

Labs and Locations

CryoCyte is a service of Cryopoint biorepository. They are registered with the FDA (under the name BHC LLC) to store Human Cells and Tissue (HCT/P establishment 3009651519) with approvals for umbilical cord blood, placenta, dental pulp, semen, oocytes, and embryos. Cryopoint has been privately banking cord blood for over 12 years and has had several successful transplants. 

Licensing & Accreditation

Cryopoint is accredited by AABB to maintain internationally-recognized standards of cord blood bankiing.

Clinical Experience

Cryopoint has released 5 cord blood units for therapy.

Toll Free: 888-311-1788
Office: 317-350-2083
Mobile: 404-421-4280
Address: 1533 E. Northfield Dr., Brownsburg IN 46112