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HIE: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Jun 2018   Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a type of brain damage caused by an interruption in the flow of oxygenated blood to a baby’s brain around the time of birth.  If you think your child may be experiencing developmental delays, it’s important to contact a healthcare professional as soon as possible. This way, the child can get assistance quickly in order to maximize their abilities and improve their quality of life.
Life Line Stem Cell collects donated cord blood and birth tissues
Jun 2018   Life Line Stem Cell is the largest collector of donated after-birth blood and tissues in the United States. Operating at 38 birthing centers in Indiana, last year Life Line Stem Cell enabled over 30,000 mothers to donate cord blood and/or birth tissues.
Ornella Parolini, PhD
Jun 2018   Regulatory criteria for the clinical use of cells obtained from the placenta should include testing for the presence of maternal cells.
Hamad Emirati boy cured of sickle cell disease by cord blood
May 2018   Hamad is an eight-year-old Emirati boy who was cured of Sickle Cell Disease thanks to the cord blood stem cells from his younger brother, Abdullah, that were stored by CellSave Arabia.
Leading sponsors of clinical trials with expanded cord blood
May 2018   Each year there are about 20 clinical trials using cells that have been isolated and expanded from cord blood. We review the leading products in this arena and their sponsors.
GMFM-66 scores for Cerebral Palsy motor skills
Apr 2018   We compare four different stem cell therapies for cerebral palsy in terms of their improvement to the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) score.
Apratim gets cord blood therapy for autism
Apr 2018   Apratim of Kolkata, India, traveled to Duke University to receive cord blood therapy for autism. Nine months later, his social and communiation skills have significantly improved.
Cord Blood Insurance at Taburit
Mar 2018   Preservation of cord blood in a family bank is a biological insurance policy, but to pay for the cost of cord blood therapy the family would benefit from a financial insurance policy.
Regulatory T cells made from cord blood to treat Type 1 Diabetes
Mar 2018   Researchers at the Cleveland Cord Blood Center are studying T cells from the donated umbilical cord blood of newborns as a potential cure for Type 1 Diabetes.
Dr Yihua An
Feb 2018   Dr. Yihua An is the leading researcher in China in the field of stem cell therapies to treat neurological conditions, using UC-MSC, neural stem cells, and other adult stem cells. Dr. An’s team has registered the world’s first phase 3 trials in for stem cell therapy of cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury. Dr. An holds multiple Chinese patents related to the preparation and delivery of stem cells for the treatment of brain injury. He has published more than 80 research papers and registered over 27 clinical trials. As of December 2015, Dr. An and his team have treated more than 10,000 patients.