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Family Bank: PBKM FamiCord

Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych S.A. (PBKM), is the only family cord blood bank in Poland that is accredited by AABB and ISO 9001:2008. They lead the international banking network FamiCord Group, the largest network of family banks in the world and the biggest inventory of stored cord blood in Europe.
Labs and Locations
Famicord Group owns the largest network of laboratories across Europe.
Business Experience
FamiCord Group is currently controlled by Enterprise Investors. The history of Famicord began in 2002 with cord blood banking at the lab of PBKM. FamiCord Group is the largest cord blood bank in Europe and the third largest cord blood bank in the world as of October 2022. Some FamiCord banks also offer public donation of cord blood. Thanks to their ongoing commitment to cellular biotechnology, FamiCord Group have developed, over the years, highly specialized know-how and state-of-the-art methods in processes, storage, quality control and release of stem cells. In order to promote quality and safety in processing and preservation techniques, FamiCord employees are trained to the highest industry standards.
The FamiCord Group of cord blood banks is a member of renowned associations: EBMT (European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation), Parent‘s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, Cord Blood Association, EAF CBB (European Association of Family Cord Blood Banks). FamiCord Group is the only private tissue bank in Europe which has authorization to release therapy-based tissues. Famicord Group owns two laboratories (in Poland and Portugal) authorized to manufacture ATMPs (Advanced Therapies Medicinal Products) based on tissues or cells.
Collection Kit
Proprietary bag developed by CryoProfile Company for PBKM. Type of anti-coagulant: CPD. The collection kit contains the collection procedures for the staff of the birth center, labels to ensure traceability of the products, and the collection report that is filled in by the person in charge of the collection.
Transportation container
The shipping container is IATA certified, as it was developed on the basis of infectious substances shipping guidelines from International Air Transport Association (IATA) as well as in accordance with any applicable European standards. The container has gel packs and thermal insulation polystyrene box and is validated to maintain room temperature for days. Container includes a temperature logger.
Shipping Info
Employees of the bank or their designated couriers pick up the cord blood from birth hospitals. Both the courier and the laboratories work 7 days a week, assuring the samples are picked up and processed even during the weekends and the public holidays. Regulations require that the cord blood must be delivered to the lab and processed and frozen within 72 hours from the collection time. The contract price includes shipping.
Processing Method
FamiCord Group laboratory technicians perform manual separation of cord blood stem cells by sedimentation and centrifuge. This processing method allows a higher stem cell recovery than that obtained with automated systems.
For clients requesting banking of tissue from the umbilical cord, laboratory technicians will mince the tissue into five 1 cm fragments for preservation. This manual processing is conducted inside isolators to minimize the risk of contamination from the environment.
It is also possible for clients to request isolation and banking of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSC) from the cord tissue. PBKM Famicord will cultivate up to 10 million cells divided for storage into five separate cryo-tubes.
Several quality tests are performed during processing: complete blood cell count (CBC), nRBC, WBC recovery, total nucleated cell count (TNC), CD34+ cell viability and concentration, microbiological analysis, ABO group. Maternal blood tests for infectious diseases are reported as well.
Components Stored
The main components of umbilical cord blood are separated during processing: plasma, red blood cells, and white blood cells. The “buffy coat“ holding white cells and stem cells is separated for storage. Also four testing segments are stored. Parents are provided with a certificate describing test results (cell counts, viability, mother‘s serological tests for infectious agents).
Storage Method
The cryobag containing stem cells is placed in a metal cassette and then enters a computerized temperature-reducing system. After temperature reaches -120°C, the sample is moved to a storage tank where vapors of cryogenic nitrogen maintan the temperature at -196°C. First the sample stays in temporary storage in quarantine freezer in case any maternal blood tests are doubtful for infectious agents, then it is moved to a long term freezer in the vapor phase of cryogenic nitrogen.
Licensing & Accreditation
Individual banks in the FamiCord Group may be licensed by their national Ministry of Health. Some of the FamiCord laboratories, including PBKM, are accredited by AABB (Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies).
Clinical Experience
- The Famicord Group therapy list holds over 4500 cell therapies provided by the end of July 2022, including 200 releases of cord blood therapies.
- FamiCord participates in clinical trials (under bioethical committee approvals) using stem cells from cord blood or cord tissue.
- FamiCord participates in clinical research to develop stem cell-based biomedicinal products.
In case of cord blood transplantation, the “Transplant assistance“ insurance package (purchased during the signing of the storage contract) guarantees free of cost preparation and transportation of cord stem cells to a clinic in any part of the world. Detailed testing of the cell sample and HLA matching tests are included.
Community Service
PBKM Famicord provides a Directed Donation Program. Cord blood banking is provided FREE of charge to families where an immediate relative has a diagnosis for which transplantation is standard therapy.
Contact the FamiCord partner in your country to learn the options they offer.
Additional Services
- Storage of umbilical cord tissue, aka Wharton's jelly.
- Isolation and cultivation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) from umbilical cord tissue.
- Storage of placenta tissue (Famicord Suisse only)
- Production of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) for clinical trials
- Contract manufacturing (CDMO) of cell therapy such as CAR-T for client organizations