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Family Bank: OVO biosurance
Ovo biosurance, the only cord blood bank in the province of Québec, is a subdivision of the reputable Clinique Ovo in Montréal. Their mission is to offer parents and health care providers information pertaining to the promising clinical benefits of stem cells, in French or English.
Labs and Locations
Ovo biosurance and their laboratories are located at their facilities in Montréal.
Business Experience
Ovo biosurance is accredited by Health Canada and AABB. The scientific team at Ovo biosurance is well known for their professionalism and is a leader in the industry.
Collection Kit
The Pall sterile collection bag (approved by the FDA) is used by Ovo biosurance. This bag which collects the cord blood by gravity can be used for vaginal deliveries or for C-Sections. It contains CPD anticoagulant. Ovo biosurance provides all the equipment necessary for the collection process, including sterilization swabs and biohazard bags.
Transportation container
The collected blood should be kept at room temperature. Each collection kit contains a gel pack to ensure a stable temperature during transportation. Testing has been done for a variety of transportation methods, to ensure the blood is well preserved during transport.
Shipping Info
Shipping is carried out by their own accredited medical courier or by a medical courier company (Air Logistics Services Inc), depending on the day and place of delivery. In the Montreal Metropolitan area, shipping is free, but additional fees apply for deliveries outside the greater Montreal region.
Processing Method
The automated processing method through centrifugation by ThermoGenesis AXP Autoexpress PlatformTM ensures retrieval of the largest possible number of stem cells, consistent from one sample to another. AXP Autoexpress PlatformTM is a sterile, closed system allowing automated monitoring of each processing cycle with records that can be downloaded and printed. Each step of the treatment is supervised by OPTMQ accredited technicians.
Components Stored
Stem cells are stored in a multi-section bag. After the blood collection has been processed, the client is given a final laboratory report with details pertaining to the sample.
Storage Method
Ovo biosurance is using ThermoGenesis BioArchive technology. The multi-section freezing bag is vacuum packed and placed in a Teflon case insuring the sample is isolated and stored at a stable temperature. The case is placed into the BioArchive tank by a robotic system, and frozen in liquid nitrogen. The computer controlled system ensures an accurate freezing rate and consistent temperature at all times.
Licensing & Accreditation
Ovo biosurance is AABB accredited and registered with Health Canada.
Clinical Experience
Clinique ovo was founded by a team of experienced obstetricians and gynecologists. They are one of the leading groups in the fertility, prenatal and cord blood banking domains. Ovo biosurance is the first family bank to offer cord blood banking in Quebec, and is supervised by experienced medical and scientific directors.
Ovo biosurance maintains the highest standards of service for our clients, standards based on scientific data, good medical and manufacturing practice and quality assurance.
Community Service
None applicable at this time.
Service | Single Pregnancy | Multiple Pregnancy |
Cord Blood 1st year* | 1100$ | 1800$ |
1yr storage | 130$ | 200$ |
10yrs storage | 1100$ | 1800$ |
20yrs storage | 2000$ | 3000$ |
*First year fees include: family registration fee, processing fee, collection kit, maternal blood testing, one year of storage, and transport in the Montreal region. Taxes are applicable to all prices and not included in above prices.
Additional Services
Ovo biosurance has a partnership with CReATe cord blood bank, to offer Peristem(TM) service to clients in Quebec province.
Prices with Additional Services
Service | Single Pregnancy | Multiple Pregnancy |
Cord Blood & Peristem(TM) 1st year* | 2200$ | 3300$ |
1yr storage | 220$ | 350$ |
10yrs storage | 2000$ | 3000$ |
20yrs storage | 3800$ | 5200$ |
*First year fees include: family registration fee, processing fee, collection kit, maternal blood testing, one year of storage, and transport in the Montreal region. Taxes are applicable to all prices and not included in above prices.