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Public Cord Blood Banking in France

Public cord blood banking supports the health of the community. Public banks collect qualifying cord blood donations from healthy pregnancies and save them in case one of them will be the match to save the life of a patient who needs a stem cell transplant. In the United States our registry of donors is called NMDP. Patients who have a rare genetic type are more likely to receive cord blood transplants. In order for parents to donate cord blood to a public bank, their baby must be born at a hospital that accepts donations. Public cord blood banking is highly recommended by both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Medical Association (AMA).

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Banque de Sang Placentaire de Bordeaux

Place Amelie Raba-Leon, Bordeaux, France

Banque de sang placentaire de Bordeaux (Bordeaux CBB), Etablissement Français du Sang Aquitaine-Limousin,  is a member of the French Cord Blood Registry (France Greffe de Moelle).

Banque de Sang Placentaire de Montpellier

191 Av. du Doyen Gaston Giraud, 34295 Montpellier, France, Montpellier

Banque de Sang Placentaire du CHRU de Montpellier is located in CHRU Hôpital Saint Eloi, in Montpellier. They are a member of the French Cord Blood Registry (France Greffe de Moelle).

Banque de Sang Placentaire de Nancy

25 Rue Lionnois, 54000 Nancy, France, Nancy

Nancy Cord Blood Bank is located next to Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy (CHRU de Nancy) - Hôpitaux de Brabois.

Banque de Sang Placentaire du Besançon

3 Bd Alexandre Fleming, 25000 Besançon, France , Besancon

Besançon Cord Blood Bank of the Etablissement Français du Sang is a member of the French Cord Blood Registry (France Greffe de Moelle).

Hôpital Saint-Louis

1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris, France, Paris

The world's first cord blood transplant was performed at Hôpital Saint-Louis in Paris on 6 Oct 1988, under the physician Dr. Eliane Gluckman.