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Общественные банки пуповинной крови в Моей стране
Be The Match Public
Public & Family
Celebration Stem Cell Centre
The Celebration Stem Cell Centre (CSCC), offers both public donation (within Arizona) and private family banking of umbilical cord blood.
Cryo-Cell International, the world's first family cord blood bank, provides premier cord blood stem cell cryopreservation service. In 2018, Cryo-Cell expanded its role in the industry to include public cord blood banking services.
StemCyte is a global cord blood therapeutics company. StemCyte participates in the US network of public cord blood banks operated by Be The Match. In addition, StemCyte operates the National Cord Blood Bank of Taiwan, whose units are also listed with Be The Match.
Bloodworks Northwest collects cord blood donations directly in Washington state and also receives donations from Hawaii.
California's Umbilical Cord Blood Collection Program
The Umbilical Cord Blood Collection Program (UCBCP) is a California state program that funds cord blood collections by partner public banks.
Carolinas Cord Blood Bank
Carolinas Cord Blood Bank at Duke (CCBB) is headed by Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg. Expectant parents who have a child in need of therapy with cord blood, especially the new therapies in clinical trials at Duke, may be eligible for directed donation through CCBB.
CHOC Cord Blood Bank
NOT COLLECTING. Children's Hospital of Orange County is no longer collecting cord blood donations.
Cleveland Cord Blood Center
Abraham J. & Phyllis Katz Cord Blood Foundation d.b.a. Cleveland Cord Blood Center collects cord blood donations with NO advanced registration.
NOT COLLECTING. ClinImmune Labs is an academic-based biotechnology company.
Cord Blood Bank of Arkansas
The Cord Blood Bank of Arkansas was designed to be statewide and have a hybrid business model.
Cord For Life
Cord for Life accepts NATIONAL MAIL-IN DONATIONS. Mothers must register by week 34 of pregnancy.
Gencure: Texas Cord Blood Bank
Texas Cord Blood Bank is a division of the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, and since 2014 is affiliated with GenCure.
Gift of Life
NOT COLLECTING. Gift of Life is a non-profit charity that seeks to help Jewish patients find a transplant match.
Hawaii Cord Blood Bank
J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank
NOT COLLECTING. The J.P. McCarthy cord blood bank is run by the Karmanos Cancer Institute.
Life Line Stem Cell
Life Line Stem Cell is strictly a collection organization that works with various laboratories. Life Line Stem Cell asks mothers to donate all of their afterbirth: umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord tissue, and the placenta.
LifebankUSA and their parent company, Celularity, use donations of both cord blood and placenta to develop therapeutic products that are in clinical trials.
LifeSouth Cord Blood Bank
LifeSouth Cord Blood Bank is a public donation program of LifeSouth Community Blood Centers. LifeSouth established the first public cord bank in the Southeastern United States and in June 2013 received the FDA BLA license for cord blood.
MD Anderson Cord Blood Bank
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center has the largest stem cell transplantation program in the world. They also have a cord blood bank and a research program to develop cancer therapies from cord blood cells.
NY Blood Center: National Cord Blood Program
NOT COLLECTING. The New York Blood Center, the world's oldest and largest public cord blood bank, no longer collects donations.
Oklahoma Blood Institute
NOT COLLECTING. Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) cord blood bank was established to incorporate more diverse donors.
OrganaBio is NOT a public cord blood bank, but they are included in this list because they are collecting cord blood donations at US hospitals.
San Diego Cord Blood Bank
The San Diego Cord Blood Bank collect donations in southern California.
Upstate Cord Blood Bank
NOT COLLECTING. Upstate Cord Blood Bank (UCBB) is based in SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse NY.
Versiti Blood Center of Michigan
Versiti Blood Center of Michigan has a public cord blood bank that was established in 1999.
Vitalant Clinical Services
Vitalant Clinical Services is the merger of cord blood banks Community Blood Services in New Jersey and ITxM in Pennsylvania.