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MD Anderson Cord Blood Bank
Be The Match Public
Public & Family


Bank Director: Elizabeth J. Shpall, MDM.D. Anderson Cancer Center has the largest stem cell transplantation program in the world, and in April 2005 they established a public cord blood bank that is accredited under the international FACT standards. Expectant mothers who wish to donate must register by the 34th week of pregnancy and pass a health screening.
Collecting hospitals as of August 2023:
- Ben Taub General Hospital - Houston, TX
- Memorial Hermann Memorial City - Houston, TX
- Memorial Hermann Southwest - Houston, TX
- Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center - Houston, TX
- St. Joseph Medical Center - Houston, TX
- The Woman's Hospital of Texas - Houston, TX
- Women's Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Medical Center - Shenandoah, TX
- Woman's Hospital - Baton Rouge, LA
- Chandler Regional Medical Center - Chandler, AZ
- Dignity Health St. Joseph's Hospital - Phoenix, AZ
- Valleywise Health Medical Center - Phoenix, AZ
- Tucson Medical Center - Tucson, AZ
- Ascension St. John Hospital - Detroit, MI
Contact info
Адрес: 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Unit 423, Houston TX 77030
Email: cordbloodbank@mdanderson.org
URL: https://www.mdanderson.org/cordblood/