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Public Cord Blood Banking in Belgium

Public cord blood banking supports the health of the community. Public banks collect qualifying cord blood donations from healthy pregnancies and save them in case one of them will be the match to save the life of a patient who needs a stem cell transplant. In the United States our registry of donors is called NMDP. Patients who have a rare genetic type are more likely to receive cord blood transplants. In order for parents to donate cord blood to a public bank, their baby must be born at a hospital that accepts donations. Public cord blood banking is highly recommended by both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Medical Association (AMA).

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Banque de Sang de Saint-Luc

Avenue Hippocrate 10.1200 Bruxelles, Brussels

Banque de Sang de Cordon Cliniques is located inside the Universitaires Saint-Luc hospital

Cord Blood Bank UZ Gent

De Pintelaan 185, Gent, Belgium, Gent

Navelstrengbloedbank Universitair Ziekenhuis (Cord Blood Bank University Hospital) is located at the University Hospital in Gent, Belgium.

Institut Jules Bordet

Rue Heger - Bordet 1, Bruxelles, Belgium, Bruxelles

Institut Jules Bordet is a hospital and research institute of the Université Libre de Bruxelles which specializes in oncology. The cord blood bank is located in the Laboratoire d'hematology Experimentale Centre des Tumeurs de l'ULB.

Leuven Cord Blood Bank

Herestraat 49, Leuven 3000, Belgium, Leuven

Leuvense Navelstrengbloedbank (Leuven Cord Blood Bank) is located with in the Hematology Department at the University Hospital of Leuven (UZ Leuven campus Gasthuisberg).

Liège Cord Blood Bank

Rue de Gaillarmont 600, Liege, Belgium, Liege

Banque de sang de cordon umbilical Liège (Liège Cord Blood Bank) is located in the Laboratory of Cell and Gene Therapy in the "Centre Hospitalier Universitaire" (CHU) of Liège.