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Banque de Sang de Saint-Luc

Public: Public
FACT: Public & Family


Bank Director: Pascale Saussoy, PhD

Banque de Sang de Cordon Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc: The UCL (Catholic University Louvain) Cord Blood Bank (CBB) is located inside the Universitair Saint Luc Hospital in Brussels (900 beds); it is one of five cord blood banks in Belgium.

The CBB was initiated in 1993. The CBB function includes collection, cryopreservation, storage, selection, and release of donated cord blood units for stem cell transplants of unrelated or related patients. Five maternities provide donated cord blood units to our CBB: 3 in Brussels, 1 in Namur and 1 in Charleroi (South of Belgium). The CBB stores also units for related recipients suffering from diseases which may be treated by hematopoietic stem cell  transplantations (HSCT) .

The cord blood bank is accredited by National Health authorities (AFMPS) and by International FACT-Netcord for cord blood collection, banking, and release for unrelated and related transplants. The CBB is linked to the Belgian HSC Unrelated Donor Registry (MDPB).

Contact info

+32 02 764 68 99
Address: Avenue Hippocrate 10.1200 Bruxelles
