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Family Bank: Future Health - Canada

The Canadian affiliate of Future Health is Tyros Biopharma. Future Health is one of the world’s largest, most accredited private stem cell banks. They transport and store stem cells samples from over 94 countries, including cord blood, cord tissue, and dental pulp stem cells. To date, Future Health has over 200,000 stem cell samples stored for over 100,000 families.
Labs and Locations
Future Health Technologies
10 Faraday Building,
Nottingham Science & Technology Park,
University Boulevard,
Nottingham, NG7 2QP,
United Kingdom
Business Experience
Future Health Technologies was founded in 2002 following 3 years of extensive research and was the first stem cell bank to receive a Human Tissue Authority (HTA) license from the United Kingdom health authorities in 2005. Today, Future Health has in excess of 200,000 samples in storage.
- Future Health has processed and stored more umbilical cord stem cell samples than all the other UK banks combined.
- 200,000 stem cell samples are stored from over 100,000 families across 94 countries.
- The only cord blood bank in the world to own storage facilities in both the UK and Switzerland.
- One of the world’s most accredited stem cell banks.
- Released 118 samples (9 cord blood) for therapies to Europe, the Middle East and North America
- Expertise in processing and storing stem cells from Dental Pulp.
Collection Kit
Future Health provides its clients with a purpose-built collection kit containing all of the necessary components required to collect the samples. Included within the kit is a specially designed cord blood collection bag packed in individual aluminium sterile packaging.
Future Health also provides cord tissue and dental pulp collection kit, containing an antimicrobial tablet and a transportation preservation solution, to ensure the sample returns to the laboratory in the optimum state.
Nanocool technology:
To keep all cord blood, cord tissue and dental pulp under optimum conditions, NanoCool technology creates a vacuum layer of packaging within each kit that regulates temperature using the principle of ‘evaporative cooling’. The water flow within the NanoCool package is self-regulating – responding to temperature changes and keeping each sample at the ideal temperature of 4 – 15 C until it arrives at our laboratory.
Transportation container
All cord blood, cord tissue and dental pulp collection kits are transported in a thermally insulated shipping box. It is fully tested to ISTA 7D and 3A standards for protection against adverse temperature.
Processing Method
For cord blood, the industry-approved volume reduced processing storage method is used. Future Health is the only bank in the UK to have its own in-house serology and PCR laboratories which perform tests for infectious diseases on the donor’s bloods. In addition to this, Future Health also uses flow cytometry to confirm the number of stem cells successfully stored within the sample.
Future Health is also the only stem cell banks in the UK to perform viability testing on all cord tissue samples to ensure the cells are healthy and viable.
Components Stored
Parents are provided with a certificate of storage detailing their unique identity code, the volume of blood stored, stem cell counts, and confirmation of the cord tissue viability. All clients are also provided with the maternal blood test results and the outcome of the microbial-contamination testing.
Storage Method
The samples are stored in multiple portions over separate storage locations which are all fully owned and maintained by Future Health. A member of the laboratory team is on call 24 hours per day to respond should there be any issues with the storage facility and there is also a security presence 24 hours per day.
The company maintains an insurance-backed disaster recovery program, which allows the transference of the samples to a suitably HTA licensed cryogenic storage facility in the highly unlikely event of a disaster at one of the company’s storage sites.
Licensing & Accreditation
Future Health Technologies is one of the most accredited stem cell banks in the world. At present, Future Health Technologies maintains the following licenses and accreditations:
- Health Canada CTO Registration #100231
- AABB accreditation
- Human Tissue Authority (HTA) License (no. 22503)
- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
- Blood Establishment Authorisation
- ISO:9001 Quality Management Accreditation
- Prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise and International Trade
Clinical Experience
Future Health Technologies has released 118 stem cell samples successfully for therapies to Europe, the Middle East and North America. Nine cord blood s samples have been used to treat conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, Fanconi’s Anaemia, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) and Beta Thalassemia.
Future Health Technologies believes that every family should have peace of mind when storing such a precious sample. That’s why Future Health offers every client private sample protection ensuring that in the unlikely event Future Health Technologies was to become insolvent, the sample would continue to be stored by an alternative HTA licensed storage facility.
Community Service
Future Health Technologies is proud to offer a range of discounts designed to make stem cell banking accessible for everybody. These include:
- Repeat customer discount
- Twin/Triplet discounts
- Refer a friend scheme
- Special discount for immediate use cases
Please contact us to discuss our price packages in various countries. Future Health Technologies offers the following cord blood, cord tissue and dental pulp banking package prices in Canada:
• Cord blood
Initial Payment of $595 (includes first year storage) + Annual Storage Fee (currently $135) -or- One-time Storage Payment (covers 25 years)
• Cord blood and Cord Tissue
Initial Payment of $ (includes first year storage) + Annual Storage Fee (currently $) -or- One-time Storage Payment (covers 25 years)
• Dental pulp
Initial Payment of $1,570 + One-time Storage Payment $1,825 (covers 25 years)
We also offer 12-month installments for the pre-payment option. For more information on pricing, payment plans and terms and conditions, please visit
Additional Services
Outlook New Born Screening: Outlook is a simple, saliva-based screening test for four conditions including lactose intolerance and coeliac disease. If purchased as part of the Premium+ cord blood banking service, the test is carried out using the cord blood sample. Visit our website for the most up to date services and prices for each country.