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Family Bank: Yasam Bankasi Famicord

Founded in 2002, Yaşam Bankasi transformed into a joint stock company in 2010. Since 2013, Yaşam Bankasi is a member of the international banking network FamiCord Group.
Labs and Locations
The laboratory of Yaşam Bankasi is located in Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey
Business Experience
Famicord Group, a network of European family cord blood banks, announced that they took over Yaşam Bankasi, the oldest family bank in Turkey, in Feb. 2014. Turkey is one of the 20 largest and fastest-growing economies in the world. Turkish society is very young - the average age is 29.7 years, there was also a high birth rate (2.08 in 2010). More than three-quarters of Turkish citizens are living in rapidly developing cities, five of which (Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Adana) has more than two million inhabitants. FamiCord has become the largest cord blood banking network in Europe.
Clinical Experience
- FamiCord family storage released for transplants: 45
- FamiCord also collects cord blood donations for the public, and has released 1 donation for a transplant.
- FamiCord participates in clinical trials (under bioethical committee approvals) using stem cells from cord blood and cord tissue.