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Family Bank: Sino Cell Technologies


Sino Cell Technologies Inc. (SCT), with its Chinese name meaning "regenerative destiny", was founded in 2001 and is now part of the RMT Supercell Biotechnology Corporation.

Labs and Locations

SCT laboratory for cryopreservation of cord blood stem cells is located in the Taiwan Food Industry Research and Development Institute (FIRDI), which is adjacent to the well-known Science and Industry Park in Hsinchu, Taiwan (so-called “Silicon Valley of Taiwan”). Both SCT and FIRDI are ISO-9001 certified institutions.

Business Experience

1) cord blood storage, both from self and public
2) storage of MSC (mesenchymal stem cells) from umbilical cord
3) storage of MSC from amniotic fluid
4) storage of stem cells from peripheral blood of adults
5) PRP services
6) DNA genetic screening

Address: 15th floor, 132 Lequn 3rd Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104050, Taiwan