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Zayed thalassemia patient with brother and stem cell donor Mohammed
Sep 2016   Zayed’s transplant from his brother Mohammed marks the first release of privately stored cord blood stem cells from the UAE to the US.
Sep 2016   AmnioChor has compiled a spreadsheet (available for download) of all tissue products that are currently manufactured from the Amniotic Membrane of the Placenta (AMP).
Institute of Cell Therapy Pancreonecrosis Histology
Aug 2016   The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has approved a cell therapy for pancreonecrosis, a condition with high mortality, that was developed by scientists at the Institute of Cell Therapy. This novel therapy combines the traditional management of pancreonecrosis with infusions of stem cells from cord blood, plus the use of native cord tissue in the surgical intervention for wound drainage and repair.
Electrical Stimulation Induces Myogenic Differentiation of Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Aug 2016   Electrical stimulation plays a role in many regenerative mechanisms, especially neuromuscular disorders. For example electricity can can induce mesenchymal stem cells to become cardiomyocytes. Dr. Genovese's lab is a world leader in the study and application of bioelectric signals for regenerative medicine.
Joanne Kurtzberg, MD
Jul 2016   Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg advocates that the standards of public and private/family cord blood banks should be harmonized into a uniform set of requirements. In this interview with Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, Dr. Kurtzberg explicitly lists the requirements that she believes family cord blood banks should meet in order to be licensed to operate.
CariCord the family bank at the University of Colorado
Jul 2016   CariCord & ClinImmune are the only family/public banking partnership that provides parents with cord blood storage in an FDA licensed public bank. Now they have teamed with ASCEND Therapeutics® to develop and deliver education to obstetricians who are responsible for the healthcare of expectant mothers.
ITxM Institute for Transfusion Medicine
Jul 2016   ITxM has partnered with Be The Match® and Cord Blood Registry® (CBR®) to provide objective educational brochures to assist families in making an informed decision concerning their baby’s cord blood options.
PacifiCord a Healthbanks Biotech company
Jul 2016   PacifiCord provides concierge services to their family banking clients in the United States, but is also part of the HealthBanks Biotech Group of public and private cord blood banks operating in five countries.
Jul 2016   StemCyte has provided a total of over 2,000 cord blood units to over 315 transplant centers in 38 countries on 6 continents to date, treating over 40 different diseases.
Ecuadorian Boy with Cerebral Palsy Has Improved Health After Cord Blood Therapy
Jun 2016   His doctors said that Tomas would not be able to walk or talk, but he has overcome tetra spastic cerebral palsy and acts like a normal boy his age.