Help for families in need

<< Free cord blood banking is available to parents if a close relative of the baby has a case of medical need. >>

A "case of medical need" means that a person in the family has been diagnosed with a conditon that can be treated with cord blood.  Many banks in many countries have programs that provide free or discounted cord blood banking for families that have a case of medical need. The expectant parents will be required to provide documentation from a medical doctor to confirm the diagnosis. These "case of need" charity programs are offered at the discretion of the individual cord blood banks and are subject to any national regulations that may restrict bank operations or the applications of cord blood in storage. Both public banks and family banks may offer "case of need" programs.

Cord Blood BankNeeds CoveredEligible FamilyProgram
Netcells (NEXT Biobank)
+27 084 664 4646
Cord Blood TransplantsSiblingsFamilies of Hope Programme
Next Biosciences has committed to supporting one family for every 100 cord blood units that are privately banked. Covers Free banking plus 10 years storage; disadvantaged families receive help with additional treatment expenses.
Netcells (NEXT Biobank)
+27 084 664 4646
Cord Blood TransplantsBaby & PublicNetcells Community Bank
A partnership between NEXT Biosciences & SAMBR enables qualifying parents to store for a reduced fee if they allow their cord blood to be listed on the public registry.