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Family Bank: Biogenis FamiCord

Biogenis Banca de Celule Stem of Romania is a member of FamiCord Group.
Labs and Locations
Parents that bank with Biogenis can choose between cord blood storage locally in their state-of-the-art laboratory in Bucharest, or at Famicord headquarters in Warsaw, Poland
Business Experience
- Biogenis Banca de Celule Stem of Romania has over 16 years experience operating their laboratory in Bucharest.
- Famicord Group is the largest network of cord blood banks in Europe.
Clinical Experience
- Famicord Group has released 200 cord blood units for therapy
- 80 client of Biogenis have received stem cell therapies, 18 of them with samples from the Biogenis lab in Bucharest
Additional Services
Biogenis offers the following additional services:
- Isolation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSC) from cord tissue for multiple usage
- DNA isolation and storage for the whole family
- Metabolic testing for the baby
- Transplant Assistance offered by a specialized Patient Navigator
- Free treatment for cerebral palsy with the Neuro Transplant package
Address: Bulevardul Dimitrie Pompei, Bucuresti, Romania.