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DKMS Stem Cell Bank

Public: Public
FACT: Public & Family


Bank Director: Alexander Platz, MD

DKMS Stem Cell Bank GmbH is subsidiary of DKMS (Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei: German Bone Marrow Donor Center). The DKMS Stem Cell Bank is the only public cord blood bank that is active Germany-wide. In partner clinics, cord blood donations are collected by specially trained personnel.

With over 3.8 million registered donors, DKMS is the world's largest stem cell registry. In the last 20 years DKMS has enabled over 38,000 stem cell transplants . Every 16 minutes in Germany, a patient receives the diagnosis of "blood cancer". For many of these people, stem cell transplantation offers the only chance of cure.

The main concern of DKMS is the continued expansion of the registry to give as many blood cancer patients as possible a new chance at life.  At most 30% of patients find a match within the family, leaving the rest dependent on an external donor. At present DKMS can find a suitable donor for 80% of those patients, leaving every fifth patient waiting in vain. DKMS has brought the search for more donors to the United States, where they operate under the name "Delete Blood Cancer" at

During 2020, DKMS is building a new stem cell bank to hold cryopreserved stem cells from adult donors. This will enable a single stem cell donor to save two lives with one donation. In times of pandemic, having stem cells in storage is easier than trying to bring donors to the hospital.

Contact info

+49 351 250 9660
Address: Enderstraße 94/Haus C, 01277 Dresden, Germany
