Klinische Studien Rekrutieren: Nabelschnurblut

Dieses Portal hilft unseren Lesern, registrierte klinische Studien aus aller Welt zu finden, die zurzeit Patienten für Behandlung mit Nabelschnurblutstammzellen einschreiben. Wenn Sie als Patient mehr Informationen über eine Studie suchen, klicken Sie, bitte,  auf den Link unter Studieidentifizierer in Register. Sie öffnen Website der Studie und finden die Kontaktinformationen. Diese Liste ist  kein ärztlicher Rat und Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation hat keine Beziehung zu Studiensponsoren. Wir überprüfen die weltweit größten klinischen Studienregister und aktualisieren diese Liste. Es wird nur die klinischen Studien gezeigt, die in einem offiziellen Studienregister eingetragen sind.

Displaying 194 clinical trials recruiting at 281 locations.
Trial registry Patientenalter Hospital Name
18 to 65 Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris
1 to 12 The Children's Hospital at Westmead
35 to 90 Guangzhou reborn health management consultation co.
25 to 40 Hospital of Qingdao University
0.3 to 10 yrs Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University 
18 to 75 Shandong Toumor Hospital and Institute  
18+ Shaanxi People's Hospital
20 to 39 Qilu Hospital of Shandong University
18 to 65 Liuzhou Zhuang Medical Hospital
35 to 70 Liaocheng People's Hospital 
18 to 70 Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University
18+ Yunnan Tumour Hospital Kunming University
1 to 18 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital
18 to 75 Yantaishan Hospital
18+ Shandong Province Third Hospital
18 to 65 Shandong Province Third Hospital
TBD University Children’s Hospital in Lublin
2 to 18 Shenzhen Children's Hospital, China
20 to 80 Saitama Medical University Hospital
1 to 7 Kochi Medical School Hospital
up to 1 wk old Osaka Metropolitan University School of Medicine
up to 3 University of Minnesota Health: Masonic Cancer Clinic
0.5 to 45 years Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
6 months to 21 years Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
18 to 69 Scripps Green Hospital
up to 50 University of Minnesota Health: Masonic Cancer Clinic
18+ University of Chicago Medicine
18+ NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center
unknown National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
6 to 70 NIH Clinical Center
up to 65 Duke University Medical Center
6 months to 18 years Victor Babeş University of Medicine and Pharmacy
6 months to 18 years Akdeniz University School of Medicine Pediatric Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
6 months to 18 years Rambam Hospital
6 months to 18 years Hôpital Arnaud-de-Villeneuve
6 months to 18 years King Abdullah specialists children hospital
6 months to 18 years Bahcesehir University School of Medicine Pediatric Stem Cell Transplantation Unit
6 months to 18 years Schneider Children's Medical Center in Israel
6 months to 18 years CHU de Nancy - Hôpitaux de Brabois
6 months to 18 years University childrens' hospital, UMCL
6 months to 18 years Acıbadem Üniversitesi Atakent Hastanesi
6 months to 18 years Dana-Dwek Children’s Hospital
6 months to 18 years CHU Nantes
6 months to 18 years Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau
6 months to 18 years Medical Park Bahçelievler Hastanesi
6 months to 18 years Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna
6 months to 18 years Hôpital Robert Debré
6 months to 18 years Hospital Vall d'Hebron
6 months to 18 years Medipol Mega Üniversite Hastanesi
6 months to 18 years Ospedale Mayer di Firenze SODc Tumori Pediatrici e TMO