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LifeSolutions Romania Vita 34


Parent bank: Vita 34

Business Experience

Vita 34 has more than 20 years of experience in the field of stem cell banking and is also sharing the experience with other firms worldwide. Stem cells from both subsidiaries and distribution partners are processed and stored centrally in Germany. The Vita 34 partner in each country is responsible for all steps and procedures until the samples are received by Vita 34. This includes marketing and distribution, the training of the hospital staff, all the communication with the customer as well as the transport of the cord blood/cord tissue samples to Vita 34. Together with its partners, Vita 34 works together with about 2,000 maternity institutions and more than 15,000 obstetricians.

In case of a medical application Vita 34 undertakes all necessary prearrangements – from additional tests in the laboratory via transportation of the cord blood to the place of transplantation up to the preparation on the ground. Therefore Vita 34 has developed a tailor-made transplantation logistic and established – as a forerunner in Europe – the first mobile stem cell team. Thus, treatment while observing the highest standards of quality is possible in any hospital.

As of 31 May 2021, Vita 34 AG has signed a business combination agreement with Polski Bank Komórek Macierzystych S.A. (PBKM) of Poland, which leads FamiCord Group, Europe's largest stem cell bank. Source: Yahoo!Finance

Collection Kit

In order to ensure top quality, Vita 34 developed many tools itself in accordance with top standards: The Vita 34 collection bag for umbilical cord blood called “Entnahmeset Vita 34” has a special designed foil for better survival of blood cells during transportation as well as a back-eye needle with higher diameter to collect higher volumes of blood. Moreover the collection set contains a lower CPD (anti-coagulant) quantity for higher survival of stem cells in samples with low volume. The collection bag is sterile both inside and outside so that it can be used in an operating room during C-section. The bag is validated and accepted by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute (Federal Authority for Vaccines and Biomedicines in Germany).

Transportation Container

The cord blood (and the cord tissue) are transported in a thermally insulated shipping box designed by Vita 34: The transportation box is validated and tested to maintain room temperature under test conditions.  In Germany transport temperature of 18-26° Celsius is mandatory. Therefore the box contains large gel packs to stabilize the temperature and a data logger to monitor shipping conditions. Vita 34 pioneered the use of temperature loggers in cord blood transport.

Shipping Info

For all shipping arrangements, Vita 34 or the distribution partner are responsible. After the birth of the baby the clinic informs the courier via 24 hours hotline. The courier transports the blood (and tissue) safely packed to the Vita 34 laboratory, where further steps on the way to stem cell storage deposit are taken. Standard shipping within Germany is by “Der Kurier” – trained by Vita 34 for a safe transport within 24 hours. The courier service is available 24 hours 7 days a week.

Processing Method

Vita 34 is able to offer the storage of cord blood via three different processing methods: Vita 34 has the permission for the professional production of pharmaceuticals as whole blood, and as separated stem cells via either SEPAX or AXP processing equipment. The processing method depends on the respective country. In Germany all samples are stored as whole blood.

Components Stored

Reports: Parents are provided with a storage certificate detailing their unique identity code, name and date of birth of the mother as well as date and time of birth of the child. The clients are also provided with all test results from cord blood and maternal blood (e.g. virus antibodies, cell counts, bacterial contamination, blood type).

Storage Method

The storage tanks used by Vita 34 are completely independent from electric power supply. They are thermo tanks made of stainless steel. They contain a reservoir of -196° C cold liquid nitrogen on the bottom. The samples are stored in the vapour nitrogen layer above. The advantage of this storage method in contrast to cooling with liquid nitrogen is that any cross-contamination between cord blood units is impossible.

The final storage is in a proprietary cryo bag developed by Vita 34. The bag has a very high break strength, is very cold-resistant and so ideal for long-term storage. Together with the cryo bag, 5 aliqouts are stored. This allows taking only a small quantity and examining it before an application event. The main preparation remains untouched. For perfect protection the cryo bag and the vials are encased in a very stable metal freezing cassette.

Licensing & Accreditation

Vita 34 has all required state authorizations and certifications. Moreover Vita 34 is the only private umbilical cord blood bank in Europe that has permission from the German Federal Institute for Immunizations and Biomedical Pharmaceuticals (Paul Ehrlich Institute) for the production and distribution of autologous and allogenic preparations from cord blood. All preparations are produced in line with good manufacturing practice (GMP) and are of certified quality. Via 34 was FACT-accredited from 2018 to 2022. 

Clinical Experience

§ Number of all cord blood collections released for all therapy: 51
§ Vita 34 also collects cord blood donations for the public.


Vita 34 was the first cord blood bank in the world to provide parents bankruptcy insurance. This unique security is an integral part of the service. In case of an insolvency the insurance guarantees that the child’s stem cell preparation will be stored professionally until the 50th birthday.

Community Service

Sibling Initiative - Since 2002, the Vita 34 Sibling Initiative offers parents of children suffering from diseases which are currently treatable by allogenic stem cells a cord blood storing for their newborn for five years at no extra charge. Cord blood stored with Vita 34 has been used for siblings several times already.

Disclaimer: Not all services are available in all countries


Prices may differ from country to country.
Vita 34 offers the following packages in Germany.

Store umbilical cord blood
VitaPlus:       €1,990 initial cost (collection set + collection + courier + processing + testing) and €48.20 annual storage fee
VitaPlus25:  €2,595 initial cost including first 25 years of storage (Discount: €600)[1] and €48.20 annual storage fee from the 26th year
VitaPlus50:  €3,500 initial cost including first 50 years of storage (Discount: €900)[1] and €48.20 annual storage fee from the 51th year
Various payment plans (starting with 3.5% interest, only in Germany) available

Store umbilical cord blood and tissue
VitaPlusCord:       €2,490 initial cost (collection set + collection + courier + processing + testing) and €72.20 annual storage fee
VitaPlusCord25:  €3,395 initial cost including first 25 years of storage (Discount: €900)[1] and €72.20 annual storage fee from the 26th year
VitaPlusCord50:  €4,800 initial cost including first 50 years of storage (Discount: €1300)[1] and €72.20 annual storage fee from the 51th year
Various payment plans (starting with 3.5% interest, only in Germany) available

Notes: [1]compared to annual mode of payment for “VitaPlus” or “VitaPlusCord”

Additional Services

Vita 34 offers the following additional services in Germany.

  • Preventive Screening Test 
    The preventive screening include DNA testing for e.g.:
    • Drug-induced hearing loss (antibiotics intolerance)
    • AAT deficiency (dysfunction of immune system)
    • Lactose intolerance
    • Gluten intolerance (cereal flour intolerance)
  • Transport of the umbilical cord blood to the treatment center
  • If the family needs the cord blood for medical treatment, the mobile stem cell team of Vita 34 transports the cryo-preserved umbilical cord blood in a special container to the treatment center at no extra charge within Germany and Austria.
  • Family support
    If the umbilical cord blood is applied within the scope of a cancer therapy in the first 20 years of the child’s life, Vita 34 will grant the parents a one-time payment of €7,000. The money can be used irrespective of the therapy costs covered by your health insurance.
Address: Strada Băneasa, nr 10, Sector 1, București, Romania