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Family Bank: CReATe

CReATe is a Canadian family cord blood bank. We offer expectant parents the option to bank both umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord tissue (Peristem™) stem cells for future family use. Founded in 2005 by Dr. Clifford Librach, CReATe is the only bank in Canada that offers both cord blood and Peristem™ umbilical cord tissue stem cell banking. Umbilical cord tissue derived stem cells have great therapeutic and regenerative potential. Banking both sets of stem cells increases treatment options with cord blood, and also broadens the range of diseases that could be managed with umbilical cord stem cells.
Labs and Locations
CReATe Cord Blood Bank is centrally located in the heart of Toronto, and within walking distance of all major downtown hospitals. Our laboratories are in the Women's College Health Professional Building at 790 Bay St., Suite 626, Toronto, Ontario, M5G-1N8
Business Experience
Over 8000 families have banked their child’s precious umbilical cord blood and tissue stem cells with CReATe Cord Blood Bank. Our new laboratory premises, with state of the art clean rooms, have greatly increased our secure and reliable stem cell cryo-storage capacity.
Collection Kit
At CReATe Cord Blood Bank, we use Pall Medical’s Sterile Collection Unit for Cord Blood Collection. Our collection kit is safe for both vaginal and caesarian section deliveries. Umbilical cord tissue is collected in our proprietary collection kit.
Transportation container
The shipping containers we use have been validated for both thermal and mechanical protection of your stem cells during transportation. We use a combination of high density foam, thermal foil, and phase change materials to protect the cord samples during transportation.
Shipping Info
We recommend transportation of Cord Blood & Peristem™ samples from the collection site back to the CReATe laboratory be done by a dedicated same day courier such as Air Logistics or Disher Courier. The cost of shipping the samples to CReATe is the parent’s responsibility. After delivery, once samples have been collected and paperwork completed, parents simply have to call their pre-arranged courier to initiate transfer of the specimens to the laboratory.
Processing Method
Cell concentration and red cell depletion is done via a modified Rubinstein protocol.
Components Stored
Cord blood mononuclear cells (this includes stem cells) are cryopreserved in a multi-compartment 25 ml freezer bag with integral test aliquots. The freezer bag is over-wrapped with a Teflon™ bag prior to freezing. Additional aliquots of mononuclear cells, cord red blood cells, cord plasma, and maternal plasma are archived for future testing.
Storage Method
Cord blood and Peristem™ stem cells and all archive materials are banked in high efficiency cryogenic nitrogen vapor freezers.
Licensing & Accreditation
CReATe Cord Blood Bank is registered with Health Canada and is AABB accredited for cord blood.
Community Service
We will waive the processing fee for cord blood required for immediate family medical use (within six months). This requires recommendation from a certified physician.
Total Fees in First Year – Cord Blood only - $925.00+ Tax
Annual Storage Fee - each subsequent year - $115.00+ Tax
Annual Storage Fee Prepayment Option - 10 years $1000+Tax
Total Fees in First Year – Cord Blood & Peristem - $1570+Tax
Annual storage fees - $210+Tax
Annual storage fee Prepayment Option – 10 Years - $1825+Tax
Special discounts for siblings and multiples are available: please visit our website www.createcordbank.com for more details.
Additional Services
Our Peristem™ program offers parents the option to bank a new type of stem cell that is found in the tissues surrounding the blood vessels of the baby’s umbilical cord. These mesenchymal stem cells are the building blocks of the structural tissues (bone, cartilage, muscle, and fibrous tissues) of our body. Peristem™ stem cells could be used in the treatment of conditions such as degenerative arthritis, heart disease, traumatic injuries, birth defects, burns, liver disease, MS, autoimmune diseases (such as Crohn’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis) and some cancers. Together with cord blood stem cells, they could enhance the treatment of leukemia, lymphoma and other diseases.
Prices with Additional Services
See above under "Prices"