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Hellenic Cord Blood Bank

Public: Public
FACT: Public & Family


Bank Director: Catherine Stavropoulos-Giokas, MD, PhD

The Hellenic Cord Blood Bank (HCBB) operates within the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy (BRFAA) of Athens. The Hellenic Cord Blood Bank is the FIRST Bank in Greece that commenced supporting Unrelated Allogeneic Transplantation.

The HCBB is housed within the BRFAA since March 2003. In January 2006 the HCBB listed the first 100 cord blood units to the international registry of NetCord (Netcord has since merged with FACT) and since March 2007 the HCBB has released cord blood units to the Children's Hospital "Agia Sofia" for transplantation to children with blood diseases. In 2011, the HCBB released the FIRST cord blood unit abroad to the United Kingdom in order to be transplanted to an adult patient suffering from leukaemia.

The goal of HCBB is to bildan inventory of 10,000 cord blood units, which would cover all the frequencies of HLA antigens of Greek population, in order to support all Greeks in need of Haematopoietic Progenitor Cell Transplantation anywhere in the world.

Contact info

+30 210 659 7697
Address: 4 Soranou Ephessiou Street, Athens 11527, Greece
