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Hearing Loss Association of America

The Hearing Loss Association of America® (HLAA) is the nation's foremost membership and advocacy organization for people with hearing loss. The mission of HLAA is to open the world of communication for people with hearing loss through information, education, support and advocacy.
The HLAA website,, provides accurate and timely information about: hearing aids and cochlear implants; hearing assistive technology; hearing loss management; advocacy efforts on federal and state levels; communication strategies for family and friends; and resources to help you and your family live successfully with hearing loss.
HLAA's Walk4Hearing® is the largest walk of its kind taking place in multiple cities across the country. Every spring and fall thousands of walkers - children and their families, young adults, young at heart and everyone in between - form teams and walk in their communities to increase public awareness about hearing loss, help eradicate the stigma associated with it, and raise funds for programs and services.
Eight-year old Katherine Pawlowski is this year's Walk4Hearing ambassador; her goal is to raise awareness about people "just like her", meaning people with hearing loss. Visit to find out how you can "step up for people with hearing loss".
Convention 2014, June 26 - 29 in Austin, Texas, is the nation's most extensive educational program and trade show for people with hearing loss. This year highlights include:
- - Classical music composer Richard Einhorn will deliver keynote address, A Life in Music After Hearing Loss; Richard suffered sudden sensorineural hearing loss in 2010.
- - Emerging Technologies Symposium moderated by the Consumer Electronics Foundation (CEA Foundation) with presentations by member companies.
- - Educational workshops on interesting and relevant topics such as hearing technology, relationships and communication, and employment issues for people with hearing loss.
- - Exhibit Hall full of the latest technology and services.
- - Get Acquainted Party on opening night.
- - Off-site event to the historic Scholz Bier Garten for BBQ and swing dancing.
- - Awards Breakfast and Ceremony honoring volunteers across the country.
- - Fiesta Saturday evening banquet with entertainment.
- - First-timer and Early-bird discounts plus free exhibit hall passes.
- - Complimentary registration for veterans with hearing loss who served in OIF and OEF.
Published bi-monthly since 1980, the award-winning Hearing Loss Magazine tells real-life stories of people with hearing loss and their families, informs readers of cutting-edge technology, and provides updates about HLAA's advocacy efforts to create a better future for people with hearing loss. Hearing Loss Magazine is included with your membership. The HLAA e-News of current events complements the magazine.
Public policy and advocacy staff advocate for consumer issues such as the hearing aid tax credit initiative, captioning, affordable hearing health care, insurance coverage, cochlear implant reimbursement, newborn infant hearing screening, and telecommunications compatibility. HLAA has representation on corporate advisory boards, government agencies, coalitions, educational institutions and nonprofit organizations.
HLAA's national support network includes the Washington, D.C. area office, state organizations, as well as local chapters that offer regular meetings, emotional support, camaraderie, and opportunities for advocacy on state and local levels.
In addition to these programs, HLAA offers a parent-to-parent resource site, educational webinars, and will soon launch the Hearing Loss Support Specialist Training, an online course designed for people who work with people with hearing loss. To learn more about HLAA, visit