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Rising Cell Therapy Community in the Gulf Region

Março 2023

The inaugural Dubai Stem Cell Congress took place Feb 27-28 to celebrate the anticipated launch of the Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory. This event points to the rising significance of the cell therapy community in the Gulf region and the attraction of Dubai as a place for scientists and clinicians to come together to share their results. Here are some photos of participants.

Dr. Fatma Al HashimiFatma Al Hashimi, PhD, Director of the Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory, organizer of the Dubai Stem Cell Congress.
Dr. Ali Al Hashimi | Dr. Frances Verter | Dr. Fatma Al HashimiDr. Ali Ridha Al Hashimi, Director of UAE’s Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, presents a commemorative statue to Frances Verter, PhD, keynote speaker at the Dubai Stem Cell Congress. The keynote talk was about a paper in press, “Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cell Therapy for COVID-19” by Silva Couto et al. 2023
Matt Farrow at top of Burj Khalifa, world's tallest buildingMatt Farrow, recipient of the world’s first cord blood transplant in 1988, told his story at the Dubai Stem Cell Congress.
Mahra & Mohammed Al DarmakiMahra Al Darmaki received a cord blood transplant from her baby brother (“The Hero”) to cure Thalassemia. The cord blood was banked by the Dubai Cord Blood & Research Centre (DCRC).
Kostas Papadopoulos, MD PhDKostas Papadopoulos, MD PhD, CEO of THAI StemLife, explains how his team uses PGD-HLA to conceive babies that are savior siblings for Thalassemia patients.
Dr. Nouri | Dr. Verter | Dr. SoleimaniDr. Verter (center) with Masoume Nouri, PhD and Afsane Soleimani, PhD, of Royan Stem Cell Technology Company.
Kim Petrella, MSNKim Petrella, MSN, explains the best practices for getting a cord blood collection that is “as fat as a tick on a Labrador retriever”.
Asawari Bapat, MDAsawari Bapat, MD, international ambassador for AABB, spoke about cell therapy regulations in the UAE.
Dr. Hatim Al Abbas | Dr. Frances Verter | Dr. Mariano Gonzalez | Dr Asawari BapatChatting at the conference: Hatim Al Abbas, PhD, Director of DCRC, Frances Verter PhD, Dr. Mariano Gonzalez of Dubai Academic Health Corp, and Asawari Bapat MD.
CellSave Arabia staffVisiting CellSave Arabia, the oldest and largest cord blood bank in UAE. From left to right: Nadya Abbas, Rima Kobaissi, Dr. Frances Verter, Ghinwa Haider, Salam Abu Aladas, and Alia Abdel-Razeq, Chief Operating Officer.
CellSave Arabia storageTouring the storage tanks at CellSave Arabia with lab director Rama Ghurrah, MD.
Hortman Aesthetic Clinic exhibitor pod with Anastasia HortmanExhibit pod for Hortman Aesthetic Clinic. Bapat, Verter, and Abdel-Razeq with Anastasia Hortman, primary investor in Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory.
John Wagner, MD, the pioneer of double cord blood transplants, together with two long term survivors of his protocol: Diane Paradise and Linda Kosinski.
Burj Al ArabThe Burj Al Arab building seen at dawn from the Palm Jumeirah island.