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Phacilitate Cord Blood - Meet the future of the cord blood & tissue sector
2017 will be a ground-breaking year for the cell, gene and immunotherapy communities, with CAR-T products due to reach the market, and even more investment coming to the space. As these industries reach maturity, it is a vital time for the cord blood community to engage with these sectors and support the production of high quality and robust advanced therapies for human use.
The newly launched Phacilitate Cord Blood, supported by the Cord Blood Association and BioInformant, is the only event to place umbilical cord blood and cord tissue at the heart of the broader strategic debate which is shaping cell, gene and cancer immunotherapy manufacturing and R&D business models of the future.
This senior level, business-focused, cord blood meeting will deliver America’s investment, regulation, healthcare, pharma, biotech and academic leaders, all the critical voices with the power to drive meaningful evolution in the business of cord blood banking, cell expansion and novel therapeutic R&D.
Experts already confirmed to speak include:
- Dr Joanne Kurtzberg, Director, Carolinas Cord Blood Bank At Duke University; President, Cord Blood Association
- Dr Cade Hildreth, President & CEO, BioInformant
- Dr Stewart Abbot, Chief Development Officer, Fate Therapeutics
- Greg Bonfiglio, Founder & Managing Partner, Proteus, LLC
- Dr Carla Cardoso, Scientific Director, Crioestaminal
- Dr Colleen Delaney, Chief Medical Officer, Nohla Therapeutics
- Brian M. Freed, PhD, DABHI, Executive Director, University of Colorado Cord Blood Bank
- Dorit Harati, Vice President, Quality Assurance, Gamida Cell Ltd
- Dr Yijia Li, Director, Shunxi Regenerative Medicine, Yunnan Province Stem Cell Bank
- Todd McAllister, PhD, Executive Director, Amnion Foundation
- Amnon Pelz, CEO, Taburit
- Dr Mahendra Rao, Senior Scientific Advisor, New York Stem Cell Foundation
- Dr Bastiano Sanna, Former Global Program Head, Stem Cells Transplant, Novartis Cell & Gene Therapy Unit
- Dr Beth Shaz, Chief Medical Officer, New York Blood Center
- Dr Elizabeth J. Shpall, Director of the GMP Cell Therapy Laboratory; and Cord Blood Bank, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Frances Verter, PhD, Founder & Director, Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation
- Wise Young, MD, PhD, Founding Director, W. M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience; Richard H. Shindell Chair in Neuroscience; Distinguished Professor, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
This intensive one day programme explores whether recent scientific and technological breakthroughs will mean a bright future for the global cord blood and tissue sector as well as looking at where the cord blood field will have the greatest future impact. Understand how the public and private cord blood and tissue banks are positioning themselves within the market place, and how they are evaluating future directions for their business models. Learn about the latest technology updates and what they can deliver in real terms, as well as their pros and cons. All this and more ensures you will leave Phacilitate Cord Blood with a greater understanding of all elements of the sector.
Phacilitate Cord Blood will run alongside Phacilitate’s Cell & Gene Therapy World and Immunotherapy World programmes, giving unparalleled access to the senior decision-makers looking to source quality raw materials and learn about innovative ways to reduce their cost of goods.
With passes available from only $100 you can’t afford to miss this exciting new event. Sign up to receive further information.