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StemCyte - A Global Cord Blood Therapeutics Company
Since its inception in 1997, StemCyte has steadily experienced growth in its clientele and their trust for StemCyte to provide safe storage for their baby’s precious umbilical cord blood (UCB). Remaining true to its mission of building the largest and most diverse umbilical cord blood bank in the world, StemCyte has provided transplant units from each of its 3 banks (U.S., Taiwan and India) to serve the world’s diverse population.
As a hybrid banking company, StemCyte not only stores UCB units for private use, but also collects units for public use as well. In 2006, StemCyte was contracted by the Federal Government to participate in the C.W. Bill Young Cell Transplantation Program. After undergoing a competitive proposal process, StemCyte was chosen by the Health Resource Service Administration (HRSA) to be 1 out of 6 cord blood banking companies in the country to help build a national cord blood inventory to be comprised of 150,000 UCB units.
With over 36,000 clinical grade, HLA-typed UCB units stored in its public inventory, StemCyte is dedicated to preserving excellence in each unit. Rest assured that private UCB units are processed with the same high quality care as public units, which follow a stringent standard of over 400 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to meet and exceed government expectations.
Outstanding Transplant Experience
In 2015 alone, StemCyte has shipped UCB units to 18 states in the U.S. and 9 countries in the continents Europe, Asia, and Africa to cure over 20 diseases, including saving lives from newborn babies to 73 year-old seniors. In fact, StemCyte has provided a total of over 2,000 UCB units to over 315 transplant centers in 38 countries on 6 continents to date, treating over 40 different diseases. With a vast amount of transplant experience, StemCyte is distinguished as one of the leading cord blood banking companies in the world.
Apart from providing units for treatment, StemCyte also partakes in clinical trials in the U.S. and overseas in Taiwan and China. Dr. Wise Young, “America’s best in the field of spinal cord research” (Time Magazine 2001) is collaborating with StemCyte to conduct clinical trials in Kunming, China for patients suffering from spinal cord injury. This trial is currently in Phase II and has yielded promising results. In a pool of 20 patients who had been wheelchair-bound, 15 patients showed significant improvement and were able to move their limbs to stand and walk after undergoing a one-year treatment.
StemCyte Taiwan remains the leading provider of UCB units to treat patients in Taiwan, and StemCyte India, in the short time that they have been in operation, is emerging as the leading and most trusted provider of UCB units to treat and cure patients in India.