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Afzaal Memorial Thalassemia Foundation - Helping Blood Disorders

AMTF stands for Afzaal Memorial Thalassemia Foundation. AMTF - Helping Blood Disorders is a charitable foundation that was launched in November 2003 by Dr. Asim Qidwai along with a group of doctors, philanthropists, social workers, and parents of children suffering with blood disorders, sharing a vision of developing a center in Pakistan with a multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of children with blood disorders.
The mission of AMTF - Helping Blood Disorders is to develop an institute for pediatric hematology with a well-built research facility in Pakistan where quality clinical care will be given regardless of ability to pay. AMTF's vision is to deliver the utmost level of compassionate care and to raise awareness about pediatric blood disorders.
The thalassemia parents had a strong belief that following the leadership of Dr. Qidwai the project would be accomplished with pride and serving the prestige of those underprivileged by providing care and cure services free of cost under one umbrella named as AMTF.
Initially the project consisted of a two room clinic, 3 employees, and a day care unit with a capacity for 5 to 7 patients. Over a period of time this project has progressed and now by 2015 has become a three floor hospital that houses Pakistan's first structured program for Haemoglobinopathies (please refer to our website to read the journey).
At present AMTF has more than 120 employees working in this center and more than 900 registered children with different kinds of blood disorders along with a day care capacity of more than 15 patients each shift. We have a 24 hrs well-equipped laboratory with the following departments: microbiology, biochemistry, hematology, blood bank, cytology.
In Pakistan, AMTF is first of its kind organization that is serving the victims of any such genetic/hereditary chronic blood disorders like thalassemia and other haemoglobinopathies with an approach of multidisciplinary care team and support facilities. The team comprises of Pediatrics, Cardiology, Hematology, Haemoglobinopathies, Endocrinology, Psychology, Genetic Counseling, Neurology and General Pediatrics, all working altogether for thalassemia patients as well as patients with other hematological disorders. AMTF has a dedicated nursing team working under the supervision of an expert nursing educationist and has also developed pharmacy services managed by qualified pharmacists.
AMTF has a dedicated pharmacy team that introduced a pharmacovigilance program with the concept of an iron chelating agent toxicity monitoring clinic. The clinic started successfully with a pharmacist, nurse practioner, and physician providing real time data collection.
In 2012 Dr. Asim Qidwai took the challenge for the development of Pakistan's first intensive care unit for patients with blood disorders and childhood cancers and later on this project became functional in 2013 with collaboration from the Government of Japan as Pakistan's first thalassemia intensive care unit. Also as part of this collaboration we started Pakistan's first pediatric cardiology clinic for thalassemia patients that has facilities for ECHO, ECG and free consultation for thalassemia patients from cardiologists.
AMTF started Pakistan's first psychology clinic for thalassemia parents and patients to rule out anxiety, depression and other problems. The clinic also established availability of psychology therapies to improve the quality of life for thalassemia patients and their parents.
All medications, in-patient services, diagnostic services and intensive care services are available to our registered patients 24 hrs and we also provide services to patients of other centers depending on the availability of our capacity and capability.
In general, AMTF is catering mostly to thalassemia major patients, with a handful of cases of sickle cell disease, platelet disorders, and aplastic anemia. We provide all of these services free of cost with pride.
Dr. Asim Qidwai has set AMTF's next goal as the development of a state of the art center for benign hematology that can provide transplant services along with all of the above care facilities. This task will be the next generation of AMTF.
We would like to thank all of our supporters for providing unconditional support to AMTF. In the future we expect more support and collaboration at the national and international level so that our team will get exposure to international standards and at the same time we can share our experience globally.
The AMTF concept "OUR PATIENTS ARE OUR GUESTS" has been a guiding element in our quest to improve the standard of care and to respect children suffering with blood disorders. We request each soul from every walk of life to come forward and take part in the development of this noble cause. We are looking forward to the participation of the community at large. For more information please contact us at