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Blood Transfusion Haematology (BTH) Hospital

Public: Public & Family


Bệnh viện Truyền Máu (Blood Transfusion Haematology Hospital) stores both public and private cord blood units. As of February 2017, after more than 10 years of operation, the stem cell bank of Blood Transfusion Haematology Hospital has handled and stored more than 2,500 units of public cord blood stem cells, ready to provide service if stem cell transplant required. They also hold 500 cord blood units in private storage.

Highlights of our history:

  • 1990: Center for Blood Transfusion and Hematology (BTH) started as a blood bank with 30 beds for haematology treatment.
  • 1994: BTH sent a group of doctors, nurses to Taiwan National University in order to learn HSC transplantation.
  • 2002: we renamed as Blood Transfusion and Hematology Hospital.
  • 2000s: BTH continued sending doctors and technicians to cord blood banks in Tokyo-Japan and Taiwan to study collecting, processing, banking and transplantation of cord blood stem cells.
  • 2001: The 1st Cord Blood Bank of Vietnam was established.
  • 2004: BTH joined the membership of AsiaCord.
  • 2011: BTH became The first Stem Cell Bank in HCM city with independent legal status and the first public stem cell bank of Vietnam, accredited by Vietnam Ministry of Health.
  • 2013: BTH received ISO 9001-2008 Certificate. And BTH was the host of APBMT 18th at Ho Chi Minh City.
  • 2014: FACT-NetCord visit to assess cord blood bank of BTH.
  • 2017: 10 years of operation anniversary

Contact info

+84 028 3957 1342
Adresse: 201 Phạm Viết Chánh, Nguyễn Cư Trinh, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
