Treviso Cord Blood Bank
Public: Public
FACT: Public & Family
FACT: Public & Family
Bank Director: Elisabetta Durante, MD, PhDLa Banca del Sangue Cordonale di Treviso (Treviso Cord Blood Bank) is located in the Immunohematology and Transfusion Service of the Treviso university hospital. We could not find a website for this bank, but here is a news story about their cord blood donation program.
The registry of cord blood donations in Italy is maintained by GRACE: Gruppo Italiano Amplificazione Cellule Emopoietiche. The GRACE network started in 1995 and pioneered the model of a national network of cord blood banks linked to a hub registry, the model that is used today by large networks like DKMS (Germany) and NMDP (United States).