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Emilia Romagna Bologna Cord Blood Bank
Public: Public
FACT: Public & Family
FACT: Public & Family
Bank Director: Vanda Randi, MDEmilia Romagna Cord Blood Bank (ERCB) is located in the Servizio di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale Azienda Ospedaliera di Bologna, (Service of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine, Hospital of Bologna) Bologna, Italy.
The registry of cord blood donations in Italy is maintained by GRACE: Gruppo Italiano Amplificazione Cellule Emopoietiche. The GRACE network started in 1995 and pioneered the model of a national network of cord blood banks linked to a hub registry, the model that is used today by large networks like DKMS (Germany) and NMDP (United States).
Contact info
Telefon:Ospedaliera/Hospital: +39 051 636 1111
+39 051 636 1111
Adresse: Via Pietro Albertoni, 15 40138 Bologna BO, Italy