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Family Bank: Celebration Stem Cell Centre

The Celebration Stem Cell Centre (CSCC), offers both public donation and private family banking of umbilical cord blood. All cord blood collections are processed according to the highest standards in the industry in a state-of-the art facility located in Gilbert, Arizona.
Labs and Locations
Celebration Stem Cell Centre operates their own laboratory at their headquarters in Gilbert, Arizona, outside Phoenix. The facility houses two clean rooms, multiple stem cell processing stations (Biological Safety Cabinets), several cryogenic storage tanks located in the clean room (all monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by a call-out system as well as under CCTV security cameras), and a bulk liquid nitrogen supply tank that feeds the cryogenic tanks. The lab is located in a part of the country that does not suffer from natural disasters. In addition, the facility was designed with glass walls, so visitors can watch the technicians process and store the cord blood stem cells while touring the facility.
Business Experience
Celebration Stem Cell Centre (CSCC) registered with the FDA and began operations in 2010. CSCC offers families private processing and banking of umbilical cord blood, Wharton’s jelly, cord tissue, and placental tissue. CSCC also stores public cord blood donations. The laboratory will also provide stem cell manufacturing processing services and contract research services. We use the best technology available to process and store cord blood and adult stem cells according to AABB and FDA recommendations.
Collection Kit
FDA NDA Approved cord blood collection bag. Gravity collection bag manufactured by Macopharma, suitable for Caesarean deliveries.
Transportation container
Collection kit box contains a gel pack and thermal insulation.
Shipping Info
Celebration Stem Cell Centre contract covers shipping arrangements. Our local courier service is Quicksilver Express Courier and our long distance courier service is Quick International. The laboratory is open on weekends and holidays.
Processing Method
Cord blood and tissue is manually processed and cryopreserved.
Components Stored
Parents are provided with a cord blood certificate that includes: processing date, total volume of cord blood collected, Total Nucleated Cells (TNC), viability test results, and CD34+ cell count.
Storage Method
Final cord blood storage is in a Pall collection freezer bag, sealed within an Origen overwrap bag, and placed in a stainless steel cassette. Temporary storage is assigned in a quarantine freezer and then the cord blood unit is moved to long term storage in the vapor phase of cryogenic nitrogen.
Licensing & Accreditation
Celebration Stem Cell Centre is registered with the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and with the state of California. Celebration Stem Cell Centre is accredited by AABB.
Clinical Experience
Celebration Stem Cell Centre has not released any privately stored cord blood units for therapies.
- First year payment $1975 includes: collection kit, courier fee, cord blood processing and first year storage.
- Annual Storage Fee: $150 per year
- We offer discounts for 5 year, 10 year, and 20 year prepaid storage.
- We do offer 6 month and 1 year payment plans.
Additional Services
For children, CSCC provides processing and storage of dental pulp (baby teeth) cells. For adults, CSCC provides adipose (fat) tissue processing and storage.