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Slovenský register placentárnych krvotvorných buniek

Public: Public & Family


Slovenský register placentárnych krvotvorných buniek means Slovak Register of Placental Hematopoietic Cells (formerly known as Eurocord-Slovakia). This is one of the oldest cord blood banks in Europe. Public cord blood banking begun in 1999 and donations are listed on the registry of World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA). Family banking began in 2001 and continues today under the Cord Blood Center. This bank released the cord blood for the first autologous use in the EU in 2004, for a child with medulloblastoma.

Contact info

+421 2 546 511 92
0800 11 12 33
Адрес: Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Karlova Ves, Slovakia
Email: eurocord@eurocord.sk
URL: https://eurocord.sk/
