Вы здесь


CReATe is a family stem cell bank that offers parents the option to bank both cord blood and cord tissue (PeristemTM) stem cells.
PeristemTM are mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord that have great therapeutic and regenerative potential. Banking both sets of stem cells increases treatment options over cord blood alone, and also broadens the range of diseases that could be managed with umbilical cord stem cells.
Founded in 2005 by Dr. Clifford Librach, CReATe is the exclusive Canadian licensee of HUCPVC (PeristemTM) technology from Tissue Regeneration Therapeutics Inc.
Contact info
Телефон:Free: 888-494-0003
Office: 416-813-4700
Адрес: 790 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1N8, Canada
Email: info@createcordbank.com
URL: https://www.createcordbank.com/