
Uniroma Cord Blood Bank

Public: Public


Bank Director: Gabriella Girelli, MD

The official name of this bank is Banca regionale del sangue cordonale, UOC Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale, Umberto I Policlinico di Roma. The bank is operated by Sapienza University of Rome at the university hospital named Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico Umberto I di Roma.

The Uniroma cord blood bank started its activity in 1994, and the first allogeneic unrelated cord blood transplant was carried out in 1995.

Currently, the Uniroma cord blood bank is part of the Network ITCBN (Italian Cord Blood Network) coordinated by the National Blood Center (CNS) and the National Transplant Center (CNT) and it  is affiliated with the IBMDR (Italian Bone Marrow Donor Registry) as RMCBB1.

The Uniroma cord blood bank performs cord blood donor management and collection, processing, testing, cryopreservation, storage, listing, search, selection, reservation, release and distribution of cord blood units for unrelated or related cord blood stem cell transplantation purposes. Uniroma cord blood bank is accredited by FACT-Netcord.

Contact info

+39 06 49976549
住所: Via Chieti, 7, 00161 Roma, Italy
