Queensland Cord Blood Bank
Public: Public
FACT: Public
FACT: Public
Bank Director: Phillip Johnson, MMedSc(Path)Queensland Cord Blood Bank is one of three public cord blood banks in Australia, which form the AusCord network. Supporters of Mater Foundation raise funding in 1998 to create the Queensland Cord Blood Bank (QCBB) at Mater Mothers' Hospital. Since then, more than 6500 cords have been banked and more than 110 patients across the world have received stem cell transplants to treat life-threatening diseases.
Full address:
Queensland Cord Blood Bank
Mater Mothers' Hospital
Raymond Terrace
South Brisbane QLD 4100
Contact info
電話番号:+61 (07) 3163 1614
住所: Raymond Terrace, South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia
URL: https://www.matermothers.org.au/services/queensland-cord-blood-bank