
Public Cord Blood Bank of Crete

Public: Public


The Public Umbilical Cord Blood Bank of Crete (CBBC)  operates under the responsibility of the Hematology Department of the University General Hospital of Heraklion (PAGNI). The purpose of the CBBC is to collect, process, store and distribute Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) Units so that they are available for patients with hematological diseases who need stem cell transplants from unrelated donors. Family storage can be also performed in cases with hematologic disease in the family. The donated cord blood units are listed on the registry of the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA).

Expectant mothers who wish to donate should submit an application online. Upon approval, the mother will receive an insulated bag to bring to delivery which contains all the necessary equipment and documents.

Contact info

+30 2810-394726
+30 6930-847253
住所: Leof. Panepistimiou, Iraklio 715 00, Greece
URL: https://www.cordbloodbankcrete.gr
