

Public: Be The Match Public
AABB: Public
FACT: Public


Bank Director: Tsung-Lin Tsai, MD PhD

Bloodworks Northwest (formerly Puget Sound Blood Center) was the first cord blood donation program in the Pacific Northwest. Stem cells collected by the program are made available to patients worldwide. Bloodworks Northwest became the 6th public cord blood bank in the USA to receive the FDA Biologics License on 28 Jan. 2016.

Collection hospitals as of August 2023:

  1. UW Medical Center - Montlake - Seattle, WA
  2. Swedish Medical Center Hospitals - First Hill, Seattle, WA
  3. Swedish Medical Center Hospitals - Issaquah, WA
  4. EvergreenHealth Medical Center - Kirkland, WA
  5. Overlake Medical Center - Bellevue, WA
  6. Valley Medical Center - Renton, WA

Bloodworks Northwest also processes and stores cord blood collections arriving from the Hawaii Cord Blood Bank (see their donation spots on the map).  Hawaii hospitals as of August 2023:

  1. Adventist Health Castle - Kailua, Hawaii
  2. Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center - Honolulu, Hawaii
  3. Kapi'olani Medical Center - Honolulu, Hawaii
  4. Queen's Medical Center - Honolulu, Hawaii
  5. Tripler Army Medical Center - Honolulu, Hawaii




Contact info

住所: 921 Terry Avenue, Seattle WA 98104
メール: cordblood@bloodworksnw.org
URL: https://www.bloodworksnw.org/donate/cordblood
