Family Cord Blood Banking in Argentina


The best cord blood banking for private use means parents pay a family bank to store their baby’s cord blood so that they will have access to the stem cells in case of need. Many family cord blood banks store additional types of newborn stem cells, such as cord tissue. A family bank has a cord blood banking laboratory to provide this service. Some family banks market their services to parents in multiple countries. In the list below of family banks serving your country, the second column shows where the bank laboratory is located. The next column lists any accreditation standards that the laboratory holds. The column listing therapies tells how many units of cord blood were released from the laboratory to treat patients. Therapy numbers with NO * were for family clients, whereas therapy numbers WITH * are transplants from a public bank that shares the same laboratory as the family bank. The next two columns are prices for the first year and the long term storage fee.

Name Laboratoř Akreditace Terapie Initial cost Dlouhodobé náklady
MaterCell Matercell, Buenos Aires, Argentina ISO
BioCells (Argentina) CryoHoldCo, Buenos Aires, Argentina ISO
Bioprocrearte Procrearte, Buenos Aires, Argentina ISO
CrioCenter CrioCenter, Buenes Aires, Argentina
Cryovida Rosario Cryovida, Rosario, Argentina
Life Cell (Argentina) Lifecell, Mar del Plata, Argentina
Macrocell Hemocentro Regional, Rosario, Argentina
Protectia Protectia, Cordoba, Argentina ISO
Stemlife Argentina CEBIRSA, Buenos Aires, Argentina