

Save The Cord Foundation

九月 2012
Charis Ober
flyer for Save The Cord Foundation's Young Artists Program

Save the Cord Foundation is working to make the collection of cord blood the standard of public health education and care in hospitals throughout the nation.

Save the Cord Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization established to advance cord blood awareness, education, research and legislation, and to provide free, unbiased, factual information to expectant parents and the public surrounding the medical value and life-saving benefits of umbilical cord blood and its storage options.

The Foundation offers cord blood education in English, Spanish and 60 other languages on its web site and is active in creating cord blood collection / donation programs and cord blood education and awareness programs in communities, hospitals and cities across the nation.

Save the Cord Foundation now has educational programs for children, parents, families, teachers, schools, teens and young men and women, expectant parents, health professionals and the public:


Save The Cord Foundation logo thumbnailYoung Artists Program brings the message of saving cord blood to the younger generation. Parents, teachers and schools can enter their children's and students' art work that will be displayed on the YAP gallery page. It's free and participants ages 2 to 8 learn simple information and facts about saving umbilical cord blood. Visit www.youngartistsprogram.org.
Save The Cord Foundation logo thumbnailCord Blood Girls A fun and fresh place for teens and young women to share ideas, exchange thoughts, ask questions and receive factual information about all aspects of umbilical cord blood. Visit cordbloodgirlsblog.wordpress.com.
Save The Cord Foundation logo thumbnailSave the Cord Foundation Blog A forum where individuals of all ages can share and exchange current information, events, research, and banking and public donation questions. Learn how you can bring non-commercial, unbiased cord blood education to your community! Visit savethecord.wordpress.com.
Save The Cord Foundation logo thumbnailSave the Cord Foundation DVD An informative, educational DVD that explains why saving umbilical cord blood is so very important. Used by physicians, health professionals and birth educators to explain public and private options for saving cord blood. Now available in Spanish! To view the DVD visit www.savethecordfoundation.org/video_scf.php.



The founders of Save the Cord Foundation are Charis Ober and Anne Sarabia of Tucson, AZ, USA.


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