
Banque de Sang Placentaire de Montpellier

Public: Public


Bank Director: John De Vos, MD, PhD

Banque de Sang Placentaire du CHRU de Montpellier is located in CHRU Hôpital Saint Eloi, in Montpellier. They are a member of the French Cord Blood Registry (France Greffe de Moelle).

L'Agence de la biomédecine, the French agency of biomedicine, has created a website designed to answer questions from expectant parents about cord blood banking: www.dondesangdecordon.fr.  They also have a brochure for parents.

Contact info

Bank +33 04 67 33 78 88
地址: 191 Av. du Doyen Gaston Giraud, 34295 Montpellier, France
URL: https://www.chu-montpellier.fr/fr/crb/banque-de-sang-placentaire
