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Carolinas Cord Blood Bank


Bank Director: Joanne Kurtzberg M.D.Carolinas Cord Blood Bank at Duke (CCBB) collects donations at select hospitals in North Carolina and a couple that are out of state. No pre-registration is necessary for mothers who deliver at any of these staffed collection sites.
Expectant parents who have a child in need of therapy with cord blood, especially the new therapies in clinical trials at Duke, may be eligible for free personal banking, called directed donation, through CCBB.
The Director of CCBB is Joanne Kurtzberg M.D. of Duke University. CCBB is accredited under the international FACT standards. In Oct. 2012 they became one of the first US banks to obtain an FDA license for their cord blood product, which they have named DUCord™.
The CCBB uses the state of the art, fully automated Sepax processing system. The Sepax processing kit is a sterile, single-use, functionally closed system, so that the cord blood never comes into contact with the external environment.
Carolinas Cord Blood Bank only saves collections that contain over one billion mononuclear cells. This high selection threshold ensures that bank resources are only used to process and store collections which have a high probability of being used for transplant. To help achieve these high collection volumes, the collection staff drain blood from the placenta in addition to the umbilical cord. Smaller collections are used for research programs.
Collection hospitals as of October 2021:
- Duke University Hospital - Durham, NC
- Atrium Health University City - Charlotte, NC
- Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center - Charlotte, NC
- Carolinas HealthCare System NorthEast - Concord, NC
- Rex Hospital - Raleigh, NC
- UNC Women's Hospital - Chapel Hill, NC
- Womack Army Medical Center - Fort Bragg, NC
- Brigham and Women's Hospital - Boston, MA
- Grady Memorial Hospital - Atlanta, GA
Contact info
Adresa: 2301 Erwin Road, Durham NC 27710
URL: https://sites.duke.edu/ccbb/