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J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank
Be The Match Public


Bank Director: Voravit Ratanatharathorn, MDThe J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank was founded in 2001 with funding from The J.P. McCarthy Fund and the Carls Foundation. J.P. McCarthy was Detroit’s beloved News/Talk 760 WJR morning radio show host for 30 years. He died of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) in August 1995 at the age of 62, just six weeks after diagnosis. His wife, Judy, established the J.P. McCarthy Fund to search for a cure for MDS. The cord blood bank laboratory is hosted by the Karmanos Cancer Institute.
As of the end of 2022, this cord blood bank stopped collecting donations.
Contact info
Telefon:Free 800-KARMANOS
Adresa: 4100 John R St, Detroit, MI 48201
E-mail: cord@karmanos.org
URL: https://www.karmanos.org/cordblood