Jste zde

Banco de Cordón de Málaga

Public: Public
FACT: Public & Family


Bank Director: Laura Ponce Verdugo, MD, PhD

Banco de Cordón de Málaga is also known as Banco de Sangre de Cordón Umbilical Andalucia. They are responsible for all donations of cord blood in the region of Andalusia and preserving them so they can be used for therapeutic purposes.

REDMO (REgistro oficial de Donantes de Médula Ósea) maintains the registry of cord blood donations in Spain. They are a function of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation. Their website maintains a map of where to donate umbilical cord blood and readers can download a factsheet about umbilical cord blood donation.

Contact info

Bank +34 951 034100
Adresa: Hospital Civil, Av Doctor Galvez Ginachero, Malaga 29009, Spain
URL: http://www.donantesmalaga.org/noticia/documentacion-para-donacion-de-cordon-umbi…
