Sydney Cord Blood Bank
Public: Public
FACT: Public
FACT: Public
Bank Director: Guy Klamer, PhDThe Sydney Cord Blood Bank at the Sydney Children’s Hospital was established in 1995 and is a member of AusCord, a national cooperative network consisting of three cord blood banks in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane with the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry. To date, the Sydney Cord Blood Bank has collected over 19,000 cord blood units and released over 520 cord blood units for life-saving transplants.
Full location
Sydney Children’s Hospital
19 Eurimbla Ave,
Randwick NSW 2031,
Contact info
电话:+61 (02) 9382 0371
地址: Prince of Wales Hospital, High Street, Randwick NSW 2031, Australia
电子邮件: enquiries@scbb.com.au
URL: https://www.cordbloodfoundation.org.au/sydney-cord-blood-bank