Public Cord Blood Banking in 俄罗斯

公共脐血库支持社区健康。公共脐血库储存从健康的孕妇捐赠者中采集的合格脐带血,为患者提供样本用于配型,以拯救需要干细胞移植的患者生命。在美国,我们称捐赠者登记为 "Be The Match". 患有罕见遗传病的患者更有可能接受 脐带血移植。想要将 脐血捐赠 想要将脐血捐赠给公共脐血库的父母,他们的宝宝必须出生在 接受捐赠的医院

Public     Be The Match Public     Public & Family    

Pokrovsky Stem Cell Bank

Bolshoy V.O. prospekt, 103Saint Petersburg, Russia 199106., St. Petersburg

Pokrovsky Stem Cell Bank reports they have an inventory of 4000 public public cord blood donations.

Samara Cord Blood Bank

Tashkent street 159к3, 443095 Samara, Russia, Samara

Samara Cord Blood Bank also has an inventory of public cord blood donations.