
Unicatt Rome Cord Blood Bank

Public: Public
FACT: Public & Family


Bank Director: Gina Zini, MD

UNIversità CATTolica del Sacro Cuore (Unicatt) of Rome operates a cord blood bank located at the Policlinico Universitario A.Gemelli - Roma.

The UNICATT Cord Blood Bank is a public cord blood bank and it is part of the Blood Transfusion Center at Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A.Gemelli IRCCS. It is a non-profit organization whose institutional activities are the protection and promotion of the human person in the context of health assistance, the improvement of scientific research and innovation in the biomedical field, and the clinical and translational research.

The UNICATT Cord Blood Bank was established in 1999 and it has been authorized by the regional authority in 2004. Its duty is to recruit and follow up donating mothers, as well as to process, cryopreserve, type, and distribute cord blood units for clinical unrelated use and, where indicated, for related use. Umbilical cord blood units are collected by seven fixed collection centers, comprising the internal and the external collection centers (inside and outside the region) which are part of other healthcare facilities. Cord blood units were processed at our Processing Laboratory which is an authorized Tissue Establishment (TE for cord blood: IT000994). UNICATT CBB is member of the Italian Cord Blood Network (ITCBN) and distributes unrelated units worldwide through the WMDA-accredited Italian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (IBMDR). The UNICATT Cord Blood Bank is accredited by FACT-Netcord for cord blood collection, banking, and release for administration of unrelated and related donations.

Contact info

(8 AM – 2 PM) +39 06-30154068
地址: Largo Agostino Gemelli, 8, 00168 Roma, Italy
电子邮件: bancastaminali@policlinicogemelli.it
URL: https://www.policlinicogemelli.it/
